I drew a tikz picture, but after scaling the picture using \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=200/(\hsize-24)], everything inside the scope of transform canvas disappear. could someone explain this?

This the original tikz picture

\documentclass[tikz, border=12]{standalone}

\usepackage{tikz, tkz-euclide, pgfmath, pstricks}
\usetikzlibrary{intersections, decorations.markings, angles,
quotes, calc, arrows, arrows.meta}
\begin{scope}[>={Stealth[scale=1.2]} , thick,rotate=0 ] 

\draw (0,-0.2) node [color=black,fill=white,below] {$Q$};
\draw [fill=black] (\Ac-0.1*\distance,0)--(\Bc+0.1*\distance,0)--(\Bc+0.1*\distance,0.01*\height)--(\Ac-0.1*\distance,0.01*\height)--cycle;
\draw [fill=black] (\Ac-0.1*\distance,\height)--(\Bc+0.1*\distance,\height)--(\Bc+0.1*\distance,1.01*\height)--(\Ac-0.1*\distance,1.01*\height)--cycle;
\draw [black,densely dashed](0,0)--(0,\height);

\coordinate (pulleyCenter) at (0,0.9*\height);

\draw (0,0.9*\height-\pulleyRadius) node [color=black,fill=white,below] {$P$};

\draw [line width = 0.2*\distance,line cap=round](0,0.9*\height)--(0,0.995*\height);
\draw [line width = 0.2*\distance]([shift={(0,\height)}]0:-0.025*\height) arc[radius=0.025*\height, start angle=180, end angle= 360];

\coordinate(a) at (\ax,\aby);
\coordinate(b) at (\bx,\aby);
\coordinate(d) at (\dx,\dcy);
\coordinate(c) at (\cx,\dcy);

\coordinate (c1) at (\adx,\ady);
\draw [gray!120,line width = 0.01*\height cm,line cap=round](c1)--++(180:0.01*\Bc) coordinate (e1);

\coordinate (c2) at (\Bc+0.06*\distance,\ady);
\draw [gray!120,line width = 0.01*\height cm,line cap=round](c2)--++(0:0.01*\Bc) coordinate (e2);

\draw [line width = 0.005*\height cm,blue!200,fill=blue](a)--(b)--(c)--(d)--cycle;

\tkzTangent[from with R=e1](pulleyCenter,\pulleyRadius cm) \tkzGetPoints{D1}{D2}

\draw[yellow, line width = 0.010*\height cm,line cap =round](e1)--(D1);
\draw [gray!120,line width = 0.01*\height cm,line cap=round](c1)--(e1);
\draw [line width = 0.005*\height cm,blue!200,fill=blue](a)--(b)--(c)--(d)--cycle;



\draw (\Bc,\ady) node [color=black] {$A$};

\begin{scope}[transform canvas={xshift=\shift cm}]
\draw [gray!120,line width = 0.01*\height cm,line cap=round](c1)--(e1);
\draw [gray!120,line width = 0.01*\height cm,line cap=round](c2)--(e2);
\coordinate (pulleyCenter) at (-1*\shift,0.9*\height);
\tkzTangent[from with R=e2](pulleyCenter,\pulleyRadius cm) \tkzGetPoints{D1}{D2}
\draw[yellow, line width = 0.01*\height cm,line cap =round](e2)--(D2);
\draw[gray!120,line width = 0.01*\height cm,line cap=round](c2)--(e2);
\draw [line width = 0.005*\height cm,blue!200,fill=blue](a)--(b)--(c)--(d)--cycle;

\draw (\Bc,\ady) node [color=black] {$B$};

\draw [gray,fill=gray!50,line width = 0.005*\height cm](pulleyCenter) circle(\pulleyRadius);


enter image description here

And, this is the same tikz picture after using \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=200/(\hsize-24)]

\documentclass[tikz, border=12]{standalone}

\usepackage{tikz, tkz-euclide, pgfmath, pstricks}
\usetikzlibrary{intersections, decorations.markings, angles,
quotes, calc, arrows, arrows.meta}

\begin{scope}[>={Stealth[scale=1.2]} , thick,rotate=0 ] 

\draw (0,-0.2) node [color=black,fill=white,below] {$Q$};
\draw [fill=black] (\Ac-0.1*\distance,0)--(\Bc+0.1*\distance,0)--(\Bc+0.1*\distance,0.01*\height)--(\Ac-0.1*\distance,0.01*\height)--cycle;
\draw [fill=black] (\Ac-0.1*\distance,\height)--(\Bc+0.1*\distance,\height)--(\Bc+0.1*\distance,1.01*\height)--(\Ac-0.1*\distance,1.01*\height)--cycle;
\draw [black,densely dashed](0,0)--(0,\height);

\coordinate (pulleyCenter) at (0,0.9*\height);

\draw (0,0.9*\height-\pulleyRadius) node [color=black,fill=white,below] {$P$};

\draw [line width = 0.2*\distance,line cap=round](0,0.9*\height)--(0,0.995*\height);
\draw [line width = 0.2*\distance]([shift={(0,\height)}]0:-0.025*\height) arc[radius=0.025*\height, start angle=180, end angle= 360];

\coordinate(a) at (\ax,\aby);
\coordinate(b) at (\bx,\aby);
\coordinate(d) at (\dx,\dcy);
\coordinate(c) at (\cx,\dcy);

\coordinate (c1) at (\adx,\ady);
\draw [gray!120,line width = 0.01*\height cm,line cap=round](c1)--++(180:0.01*\Bc) coordinate (e1);

\coordinate (c2) at (\Bc+0.06*\distance,\ady);
\draw [gray!120,line width = 0.01*\height cm,line cap=round](c2)--++(0:0.01*\Bc) coordinate (e2);

\draw [line width = 0.005*\height cm,blue!200,fill=blue](a)--(b)--(c)--(d)--cycle;

\tkzTangent[from with R=e1](pulleyCenter,\pulleyRadius cm) \tkzGetPoints{D1}{D2}

\draw[yellow, line width = 0.010*\height cm,line cap =round](e1)--(D1);
\draw [gray!120,line width = 0.01*\height cm,line cap=round](c1)--(e1);
\draw [line width = 0.005*\height cm,blue!200,fill=blue](a)--(b)--(c)--(d)--cycle;



\draw (\Bc,\ady) node [color=black] {$A$};

\begin{scope}[transform canvas={xshift=\shift cm}]
\draw [gray!120,line width = 0.01*\height cm,line cap=round](c1)--(e1);
\draw [gray!120,line width = 0.01*\height cm,line cap=round](c2)--(e2);
\coordinate (pulleyCenter) at (-1*\shift,0.9*\height);
\tkzTangent[from with R=e2](pulleyCenter,\pulleyRadius cm) \tkzGetPoints{D1}{D2}
\draw[yellow, line width = 0.01*\height cm,line cap =round](e2)--(D2);
\draw[gray!120,line width = 0.01*\height cm,line cap=round](c2)--(e2);
\draw [line width = 0.005*\height cm,blue!200,fill=blue](a)--(b)--(c)--(d)--cycle;

\draw (\Bc,\ady) node [color=black] {$B$};

\draw [gray,fill=gray!50,line width = 0.005*\height cm](pulleyCenter) circle(\pulleyRadius);


enter image description here

  • Did you try only with \begin{scope}[xshift=\shift cm]? Any reason for the low level transform?
    – percusse
    Apr 18, 2017 at 10:17
  • I tried but it caused the coordinates defined outside the transform canvase scope, to stay the same. I tried tweaking the \shift value manually in the scaled version to see what's going on and it turned out that when I used transform canvas={xshift=\shift-18.5 cm}. it looked fine, so it's probably because the scaling applies differently to xshift in the transform canvas. but I need to find the exact relation between the scaling factor and xshift so that I can make this work for different values.
    – K. Ali
    Apr 18, 2017 at 12:10
  • I think I've found the problem, the scaling doesn't apply to \shift in transform canvas={xshift=\shift cm} so I have to do it manually, then used the scaled shift (\shifta) in the the transform, but use the normal shift anywhere else \pgfmathsetmacro{\shifta}{(\Ac-\Bc)*\mya} \pgfmathsetmacro{\shift}{\Ac-\Bc} \begin{scope}[transform canvas={xshift=\shifta cm}] where \mya is the vertical scale
    – K. Ali
    Apr 18, 2017 at 13:07
  • @CarLateX I will, I just decided to wait for a few days in case someone had a better suggestion.
    – K. Ali
    Apr 23, 2017 at 7:25
  • @K.Ali OK, let's wait for a better answer, then!
    – CarLaTeX
    Apr 23, 2017 at 7:34

1 Answer 1


The scaling of the tikz picture doesn't apply to the xshift inside the transform canvas, so all I had to do was apply the scaling to the shift outside the transform canvas, and then use the scaled value inside the canvas transform. so I used this

\begin{scope}[transform canvas={xshift=\shifta cm}]

instead of this

\begin{scope}[transform canvas={xshift=\shift cm}]

and the rest of the code is just the same.

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