I'm an amateur user in LaTeX/graphics and I have a problem. I designed the following figure :
by using the TikZ
\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows}
\tikzstyle{lr2l2} = [rectangle, minimum width = 1cm, minimum height = 1.25cm, text centered, draw = black]
\tikzstyle{lr2l1} = [rectangle, minimum width = 1cm, minimum height = 1.25cm, text centered, draw = black]
\tikzstyle{lr1l1} = [rectangle, minimum width = 1cm, minimum height = 1.25cm, text centered, draw = black]
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 1.5cm]
\node (in9) [lr2l1, below of = in1, xshift = 0.7cm, yshift = -1cm, rectangle split, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split parts=2, rectangle split draw splits=true,rectangle split part fill={white,blue!30},rectangle split part align={center,bottom}] {$\mtc{X}_1$
\nodepart{two} $y$};
\node (in10) [lr2l2, below of = in3, xshift = 0.7cm, yshift = -1cm, rectangle split, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split parts=2, rectangle split draw splits=true,rectangle split part fill={white,blue!30},rectangle split part align={center,bottom}] {$\mtc{X}_2$
\nodepart{two} $y$};
\node (in18) [right of = in12, xshift = -7cm] {text};
\node (in23) [left of = in12, xshift = -9.5cm] {text};
\node (in13) [lr1l1, below of = in9, xshift = 1.5cm, yshift = -1cm, rectangle split, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split parts=2, rectangle split draw splits=true,rectangle split part fill={white,blue!30},rectangle split part align={center,bottom}] {$\mtc{X}$
\nodepart{two} $y$};
\draw [dashed] (in9) -- node [pos=1, anchor= south west] {text} (in13);
\draw [dashed] (in10) -- (in13);
Nevertheless, my supervisor thinks that I should redraw this figure by using the PSTricks
package. Ι really have difficulty in doing this conversion.
I would really appreciate any help!