I'm an amateur user in LaTeX/graphics and I have a problem. I designed the following figure :

enter image description here

by using the TikZ package:

\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric, arrows}
\tikzstyle{lr2l2} = [rectangle, minimum width = 1cm, minimum height = 1.25cm, text centered, draw = black]
\tikzstyle{lr2l1} = [rectangle, minimum width = 1cm, minimum height = 1.25cm, text centered, draw = black]
\tikzstyle{lr1l1} = [rectangle, minimum width = 1cm, minimum height = 1.25cm, text centered, draw = black]
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 1.5cm]
\node (in9) [lr2l1, below of = in1, xshift = 0.7cm, yshift = -1cm, rectangle split, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split parts=2, rectangle split draw splits=true,rectangle split part fill={white,blue!30},rectangle split part align={center,bottom}] {$\mtc{X}_1$ 
\nodepart{two} $y$};
\node (in10) [lr2l2, below of = in3, xshift = 0.7cm, yshift = -1cm, rectangle split, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split parts=2, rectangle split draw splits=true,rectangle split part fill={white,blue!30},rectangle split part align={center,bottom}] {$\mtc{X}_2$ 
\nodepart{two} $y$};

\node (in18) [right of = in12, xshift = -7cm] {text};
\node (in23) [left of = in12, xshift = -9.5cm] {text};
\node (in13) [lr1l1, below of = in9, xshift = 1.5cm, yshift = -1cm, rectangle split, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split parts=2, rectangle split draw splits=true,rectangle split part fill={white,blue!30},rectangle split part align={center,bottom}] {$\mtc{X}$ 
\nodepart{two} $y$};

\draw [dashed] (in9) -- node [pos=1, anchor= south west] {text} (in13);
\draw [dashed] (in10) -- (in13);


Nevertheless, my supervisor thinks that I should redraw this figure by using the PSTricks package. Ι really have difficulty in doing this conversion.

I would really appreciate any help!

  • 18
    Has your supervisor given you any reason why? I don't see any. Apart from the time spent on the conversion you would loose the ability to easily compile with pdflatex. Commented Apr 20, 2017 at 11:58
  • 1
    @Ulrike Fischer: One can easily compile pstricks code with pdflatex, if the relevant switch is set.
    – Bernard
    Commented Apr 20, 2017 at 12:51
  • 2
    @Bernard You should trust me: it is not easy. You need something like auto-pst-pdf and there are quite a number of traps and pitfalls. You only need to search for auto-pst-pdf here on the site. Commented Apr 20, 2017 at 13:12
  • 2
    I never had any problem with auto-pst-pdf, personally.
    – Bernard
    Commented Apr 20, 2017 at 13:20
  • 1
    It looks like you've got two separate accounts, which means you cannot edit your original post or leave comments. The Stack Exchange staff can merge them together for you.
    – cgnieder
    Commented Apr 20, 2017 at 15:20

3 Answers 3


run with xelatex or latex->dvips->ps2pdf. Set showgrid=true to see the coordinates.

      \tabular{|c | >{\columncolor{blue!30}}c|}\hline
       \raisebox{-3\height}{$#4$} & 



enter image description here

If you prefer an automatic setting of the rectangles, use \psmatrix. Then you do not need any coordinate:

    \tabular{|c | >{\columncolor{blue!30}}c|}\hline
            \raisebox{-3\height}{$#1$} & 

[name=r1] & [name=R1]\Rectangle{\mathcal{X}_1}{y} &  
          & [name=R2]\Rectangle{\mathcal{X}_2}{y} & [name=r2]\\
          &                                        & [name=R3]\RectangleA{\mathcal{X}}{y}
\rput(!\psGetNodeCenter{R3}R3.x R3.y 1 add){text}


enter image description here


Another solution with a short code, base on the \psDefBoxNodes command from pst-node and a psmatrix environment.:

\usepackage{pst-node,auto-pst-pdf, array}
\rule[-7ex]{0pt}{15ex}$\,#1\,$ & \raisebox{-1ex}{$#2$}\\


  \begin{psmatrix}[colsep=2em, rowsep=8ex]
    text\enspace\psDefBoxNodes{N1}{\myrectangle{\mathcal X_1}{y}} & & \psDefBoxNodes{N2}{\myrectangle{\mathcal X_2}{y}}\enspace text \\
 & \psDefBoxNodes{N}{\myrectangle{\mathcal X}{y}}


enter image description here


A PSTricks solution:



  \psframe(#1,#2)(!#1 1.2 add #2 1.5 add)
    fillstyle = solid,
    fillcolor = blue!40
  ](!#1 0.75 add #2)(!#1 1.2 add #2 1.5 add)
  \rput(!#1 0.375 add #2 0.75 add){\large$\pazocal{X}_{#3}$}
  \rput(!#1 0.975 add #2 0.25 add){$y$}


 {\psset{linestyle = dashed}



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