I'm trying to align the if's in the following MWE, but also keep the (n times) alignment intact. Applying the mechanism from Multiple = alignment and from Aligning conditions in cases environment, I still could not get it to work.


    ns = 
   \quad s + s + ... + s  & \text{ (n times) if } n > 0 \\ 
   \quad\quad\quad 0 & \text{ if } n = 0  \\
   \quad (-s) + (-s) + ...+ (-s)  & \text{ (n times) if }  n < 0 

Incidentally is there a way to remove the hideous \quad's ? (Does one question per question apply here?:)


5 Answers 5


You can use \hphantom in the second line to move the text over, or alternatively \hfill, as Mico mentions in a comment.

What's the purpose of the \quads anyway?

    ns = 
    s + s + \dots + s  & \text{ ($n$ times) if } n > 0 \\ 
   0 & \text{\hphantom{ ($n$ times)} if } n = 0  \\
   (-s) + (-s) + \dots + (-s)  & \text{ ($n$ times) if }  n < 0 

enter image description here

If you want to change the alignment for the columns in cases, one possibility is to define a new environment with the help of mathtools, as described in Right aligned first column in a cases environment For example, to have the first column centered, and the second right aligned :

    ns = 
    s + s + \dots + s  & \text{ ($n$ times) if } n > 0 \\ 
   0 & \text{ if } n = 0  \\
   (-s) + (-s) + \dots + (-s)  & \text{ ($n$ times) if }  n < 0 

enter image description here

  • The \quad's were to align the 0 near the center of the equations above and below. Commented Apr 24, 2017 at 21:25
  • ... should be \dots
    – egreg
    Commented Apr 24, 2017 at 21:30
  • 1
    In your first example, consider writing \hfill \text{if $n = 0$} instead of \text{\hphantom{ ($n$ times)} if } n = 0.
    – Mico
    Commented Apr 24, 2017 at 21:30

With aligned (from amsmath package):

enter image description here


ns = \left\{\begin{aligned}\quad
   & s + s + \dotsm + s             & \text{ ($n$ times) if } n & > 0   \\
   & 0                              & \text{ if } n             & = 0   \\
   & (-s) + (-s) + \dotsm + (-s)    & \text{ ($n$ times) if } n & < 0
  • +1 but I would say that \quad is excessively large. Also the n inside \text need to be in math mode. Commented Apr 25, 2017 at 7:15
  • @AndrewSwann, quad is left from OP MWE, I will reduce this distance. Similarly about n, I will correct this too.
    – Zarko
    Commented Apr 25, 2017 at 7:41

There should be a wider separation from “(n times)” to “if” than from the formulas and “(n times)”, in my opinion.

The 0 should be left flush, like the other two terms. I also fixed the math error (it should be |n| in the third line).



ns =
&s + s + \dots + s          &\quad \text{($n$ times)}   &\qquad& \text{if $n > 0$} \\
&0                          &\quad                      &\qquad& \text{if $n = 0$} \\
&(-s) + (-s) + \dots + (-s) &\quad \text{($|n|$ times)} &\qquad& \text{if $n < 0$}


enter image description here


And with simple array:


ns = \left \{
   s + s + \dots + s          & (n \text{ times})   & \text{ if } n > 0 \\ 
   0                          &                     & \text{ if } n = 0  \\
   (-s) + (-s) + \dots + (-s) & (|n| \text{ times}) & \text{ if } n < 0
\end{array} \right.


enter image description here

  • \right. Very clever! It makes this mechanism very powerful. Commented Apr 25, 2017 at 0:06

With empheq, eqparbox and alignat*, which allows for several alignment points, and full control on the spacing between columns. I also propose another layout (better in my opinion) which requires onlycases`:

\newcommand\eqmathbox[2][M]{\eqmakebox[#1]{$ \displaystyle#2 $}}


\begin{empheq}[left = {ns=\empheqlbrace\,}]{alignat*=2}
  &\eqmathbox{s + s + \dots + s} & \text{ (n times) } & \text{if } n > 0 \\
   & \eqmathbox{0} & & \text{if } n = 0 \\
    & (-s) + (-s) + \dots+ (-s) & \qquad\text{ (n times) } & \text{if } n < 0

    ns =
   \eqmathbox[C]{\,s + s + \dots + s} \text{\quad (n times)} & \text{ if } n > 0 \\
    \eqmathbox[C]{\,0} & \text{ if } n = 0 \\
   \, (-s) + (-s) + \dots + (-s) \text{\quad (n times)} & \text{ if } n < 0


enter image description here

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