About 1 month ago, I asked here about spaces between lines and learned about the importance of inserting \par at end of paragraph when the font size has changed. This helped me make sense of several problems.
Today I have a follow up question about the same issue in fancy footers (or headers). I'm trying to match the output of an MS Word document that we use for stationary. In that Word document, there is smaller type in the footer and the single-spacing is tight.
When I try to do the same thing in LaTeX, I'm able to make the fonts smaller, but the line spacing remains large. I've measured and the space between lines never shrinks inside a fancy footer, even when I make the fonts tiny.
If I end a line in the footer with a \par, there is a compiler error saying there is a blank line where there should not be one.
In my code below, I'm pretty sure I understand what is wrong. By using the \footnotesize within the two rows, I don't give LaTeX any information about the need to tighten up the row size. How to redesign so the last 2 rows come out with less space between
Here is the MRE:
\usepackage[hidelinks, unicode=true]{hyperref}
\ifthenelse{\value{page}=1}{\hspace*{-1in}IMAGINE A BEAUTIFUL LOGO HERE}
\ifthenelse{\value{page}=1}{\textsf{\textbf{The Name of My Center}}\\
\textsf{\footnotesize{}Knowledge Hall Room 1 | 1234 Your Alley | Pretend, ST 66666}\\
\textsf{\footnotesize{}(123)456-1234 | \url{http://google.edu} | email: [email protected]}}
{\centering{Page \thepage \hspace{1pt} of \pageref{LastPage}}}
Joseph Pretend Name\\
Chair, Geography\\
Unreal Dominion University\\
3423 Space Age Bldg.\\
Canada, UK 22348\smallskip{}
Dear Professor:\smallskip{}
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Armond T. Philpot