I would like to change the caption font family to ptm. I am using metropolis template for beamer.

Is there any way to change the caption to ptm font family?

\begin{frame}{Results: DiD - Development Policy}
                \caption{\textsc{Reduced-Form Models for Log of Income for Self-Employed Workers}}
                \begin{tabular}{@{}p{5cm} cccc}
                    \toprule \toprule
                    & \multicolumn{4}{c}{Model}                                                                 \\ \cmidrule{2-5} 
                    Variables                           & (i)                  & (ii)                 & (iii)                & (iv)                 \\ \midrule
                    Time                                & 0.34***              & 0.35***              & 0.22***              & 0.30***              \\
                    & (0.03)               & (0.03)               & (0.06)               & (0.05)               \\
                    Treatment                           & -0.03                & 0.03                 & -0.07                & -0.06                \\
                    & (0.05)               & (0.04)               & (0.06)               & (0.05)               \\
                    Time $\cdot$ Treatment              &  0.08                & 0.13**               & 0.20**               & 0.21***              \\
                    & (0.07)               & (0.06)               & (0.08)               & (0.07)               \\
                    Matched                             &  No                  & No                   & Yes                  & Yes                  \\
                    Controls                            &  No                  & Yes                  & No                   & Yes                  \\
                    Standard error of the regression    &  1.170               & 1.033                & 1.067                & 0.937                \\
                    Observations                        &  8,085               & 8,085                & 2,584                & 2,584                \\ \bottomrule
                    \item \textit{Notes}: Standard errors are shown in parentheses. Statistical significance at the 1, 5 and 10\% levels is indicated by ***,** and *, respectively.

This is my result: enter image description here

1 Answer 1


I found two solutions. One is to set \captionfont directly. The other is to set the default caption font using \setbeamerfont{caption}{...}.

Note: threeepartable does not have to be inside a table environment.

%\usepackage{tikz}% redundant


\begin{frame}{Results: DiD - Development Policy}
        \scalebox{0.8}{\textsc{Reduced-Form Models for Log of Income for}} %comparison
                \caption{\textsc{Reduced-Form Models for Log of Income for Self-Employed Workers}}
                \begin{tabular}{@{}p{5cm} cccc}
                    \toprule \toprule
                    & \multicolumn{4}{c}{Model}                                                                 \\ \cmidrule{2-5} 
                    Variables                           & (i)                  & (ii)                 & (iii)                & (iv)                 \\ \midrule
                    Time                                & 0.34***              & 0.35***              & 0.22***              & 0.30***              \\
                    & (0.03)               & (0.03)               & (0.06)               & (0.05)               \\
                    Treatment                           & -0.03                & 0.03                 & -0.07                & -0.06                \\
                    & (0.05)               & (0.04)               & (0.06)               & (0.05)               \\
                    Time $\cdot$ Treatment              &  0.08                & 0.13**               & 0.20**               & 0.21***              \\
                    & (0.07)               & (0.06)               & (0.08)               & (0.07)               \\
                    Matched                             &  No                  & No                   & Yes                  & Yes                  \\
                    Controls                            &  No                  & Yes                  & No                   & Yes                  \\
                    Standard error of the regression    &  1.170               & 1.033                & 1.067                & 0.937                \\
                    Observations                        &  8,085               & 8,085                & 2,584                & 2,584                \\ \bottomrule
                    \item \textit{Notes}: Standard errors are shown in parentheses. Statistical significance at the 1, 5 and 10\% levels is indicated by ***,** and *, respectively.


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