\I want this

How I can do the numeration and equation format like shown in the picture above?

I tried this code:

\documentclass[12pt,a4paper,fleqn, twocolumn]{article}
    P^{TE}_q = Re\frac{j|E_0|^2}{2\eta}\\
    \times \oiint\limits_S(A^i_qA^{i*}_q\bar{M}^{(1)}_q \times \bar{N}^{(1)*}_q + A^i_qA^{s*}_q\bar{M}^{(1)}_q \times \bar{N}^{(4)*}_q\\
    + A^s_qA^{i*}_q\bar{M}^{(4)}_q \times \bar{N}^{(1)*}_q + A^s_qA^{s*}_q\bar{M}^{(4)}_q \times \bar{N}^{(4)*}_q)\\
    \cdot \hat{r}ds
    P^{TM}_q = Re\frac{j|E_0|^2}{2\eta}\\
    \times \oiint\limits_S(B^i_qB^{i*}_q\bar{N}^{(1)}_q \times \bar{M}^{(1)*}_q + B^i_qB^{s*}_q\bar{N}^{(1)}_q \times \bar{M}^{(4)*}_q\\
    + B^s_qB^{i*}_q\bar{N}^{(4)}_q \times \bar{M}^{(1)*}_q + B^s_qB^{s*}_q\bar{M}^{(4)}_q \times \bar{M}^{(4)*}_q)\\
    \cdot \hat{r}ds

but only get this enter image description here

  • Please state which document class you use and what the main font size is.
    – Mico
    Commented Apr 26, 2017 at 16:07
  • please edit that informtaion into your question. it would be best if you modify the code that is already there to make a compilable example. Commented Apr 26, 2017 at 16:19
  • @barbarabeeton, done!
    – qqffx
    Commented Apr 26, 2017 at 16:23

2 Answers 2


Something like this? Observe that I would recommend not specifying the option fleqn. I recommend using a single align environment and no array environments.

enter image description here

\documentclass[12pt,a4paper,twocolumn]{article} % no 'fleqn' option

\DeclareMathOperator{\Re}{Re} % redefine '\Re'

\hrule % just to illustrate width of column
\setcounter{equation}{24} % just for this example
P^{\mathrm{TE}}_q &= \Re \frac{j\abs{E_0}^2}{2\eta} \notag\\
&\quad\times \oiint\limits_S \Bigl(
     A^i_qA^{i*}_q\bar{M}^{(1)}_q \times \bar{N}^{(1)*}_q 
   + A^i_qA^{s*}_q\bar{M}^{(1)}_q \times \bar{N}^{(4)*}_q \notag\\
   + A^s_qA^{i*}_q\bar{M}^{(4)}_q \times \bar{N}^{(1)*}_q 
   + A^s_qA^{s*}_q\bar{M}^{(4)}_q \times \bar{N}^{(4)*}_q \Bigr) \notag\\
&\qquad \cdot \hat{r}\mkern3mu ds \\[1ex]
P^{\mathrm{TM}}_q &= \Re\frac{j\abs{E_0}^2}{2\eta} \notag\\
&\quad\times \oiint\limits_S \Bigl(
    B^i_qB^{i*}_q\bar{N}^{(1)}_q \times \bar{M}^{(1)*}_q 
  + B^i_qB^{s*}_q\bar{N}^{(1)}_q \times \bar{M}^{(4)*}_q \notag\\
  + B^s_qB^{i*}_q\bar{N}^{(4)}_q \times \bar{M}^{(1)*}_q 
  + B^s_qB^{s*}_q\bar{M}^{(4)}_q \times \bar{M}^{(4)*}_q\Bigr) \notag\\
&\qquad\cdot \hat{r}\mkern3mu ds
\hrule % just to illustrate width of column

Addendum: If you happened to be pressed for space in your document, it's actually possible to typeset each equation in 3 rows instead of the 4 used both in your initial screenshot and in the answer above.

The following solution also uses \widebar (a macro provided by the mathabx package) instead of \bar as in the answer above. Using \widebar provides a "look" that replicates more closely the look of the screenshot you posted.

enter image description here

\documentclass[12pt,a4paper,twocolumn]{article} % no 'fleqn' option

\DeclareMathOperator{\Re}{Re} % redefine '\Re'


\setcounter{equation}{24} % just for this example

&P^{\mathrm{TE}}_q = \Re \frac{j\abs{E_0}^2}{2\eta} 
\times \oiint\limits_{S} \Bigl\{
     A^i_qA^{i*}_q\widebar{M}^{(1)}_q \times \widebar{N}^{(1)*}_q \notag\\ 
&\quad+ A^i_qA^{s*}_q\widebar{M}^{(1)}_q \times \widebar{N}^{(4)*}_q 
   + A^s_qA^{i*}_q\widebar{M}^{(4)}_q \times \widebar{N}^{(1)*}_q  \notag\\
&\qquad+ A^s_qA^{s*}_q\widebar{M}^{(4)}_q \times \widebar{N}^{(4)*}_q \Bigr\}  \hat{r}\, ds \\[1ex]
&P^{\mathrm{TM}}_q = \Re\frac{j\abs{E_0}^2}{2\eta} 
\times \oiint\limits_{S} \Bigl\{
    B^i_qB^{i*}_q\widebar{N}^{(1)}_q \times \widebar{M}^{(1)*}_q \notag \\
&\quad+ B^i_qB^{s*}_q\widebar{N}^{(1)}_q \times \widebar{M}^{(4)*}_q 
  + B^s_qB^{i*}_q\widebar{N}^{(4)}_q \times \widebar{M}^{(1)*}_q \notag\\
&\qquad+ B^s_qB^{s*}_q\widebar{M}^{(4)}_q \times \widebar{M}^{(4)*}_q\Bigr\}  \hat{r}\, ds


A different proposal, with more lines but shorter; typesetting math in two column format is always a pain.




P^{TE}_q ={}& \Re\frac{j|E_0|^2}{2\eta} \\
{} \times \mathop{\smash[b]{\oiint\limits_S}}\Bigl(
  &  A^i_qA^{i*}_q\bar{M}^{(1)}_q \times \bar{N}^{(1)*}_q \\
  &+ A^i_qA^{s*}_q\bar{M}^{(1)}_q \times \bar{N}^{(4)*}_q \\
  &+ A^s_qA^{i*}_q\bar{M}^{(4)}_q \times \bar{N}^{(1)*}_q \\
  &+ A^s_qA^{s*}_q\bar{M}^{(4)}_q \times \bar{N}^{(4)*}_q \Bigr) \cdot \hat{r}\,ds
P^{TM}_q ={}& \Re\frac{j|E_0|^2}{2\eta} \\
{} \times \mathop{\smash[b]{\oiint\limits_S}}\Bigl(
 & B^i_qB^{i*}_q\bar{N}^{(1)}_q \times \bar{M}^{(1)*}_q \\
 &+ B^i_qB^{s*}_q\bar{N}^{(1)}_q \times \bar{M}^{(4)*}_q \\
 &+ B^s_qB^{i*}_q\bar{N}^{(4)}_q \times \bar{M}^{(1)*}_q \\
 &+ B^s_qB^{s*}_q\bar{M}^{(4)}_q \times \bar{M}^{(4)*}_q \Bigr) \cdot \hat{r}\,ds


enter image description here

The \smash[b] construction is to avoid the big integral pushes the line below it too much down. Wrapping it in \mathop ensures correct horizontal spacing.

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