A solution for one of my questions works well for the one who provided it, but results in the error "Missing \begin{document}. \ofoot*{\pagemark" for me during compiling. Could it be a problem with my installation, packages, os? On this online latex compiler the same error is preventing him to produce an output so may I don´t have a problem but the code need to be changed?
\usepackage[left=3.00cm, right=3.00cm, top=2.00cm, bottom=2.5cm, includeheadfoot]{geometry}
pdftoolbar = false,
pdfmenubar = false,
pdftitle = mwe,
pdfauthor = {author},
allcolors = {blue},
bookmarks = true,
bookmarksopen = true,
bookmarksnumbered = true
\section{Chapter one} \label{sec:ChapterOne}
This text shows the current options that I have used for the printed version of my document. What and why would you change something?
\item Referencing in blue. \Eg: Chapter one on page \ref{sec:ChapterOne}
\item In-text math mode I use tfrac or nicefrac like this $\tfrac{1}{2}$ or this $\nicefrac{1}{2}$ and dfrac in the stand-alone equations. Or is sfrac of the xfrac package the way to go? $\sfrac{1}{2}$. What is the difference?
\item Different fonts for print-out and digital copy? \Eg helvet for pdf for no serifs?
Thats what the pagestyle I have choosed looks like, but there is a warning about fancyhdr, how to produce the same output with KOMA?
\centering \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{example-image-a}
\subcaption{Example A}\label{fig:a}
\centering \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{example-image-b}
\subcaption{Example B}\label{fig:b}
\caption{Two figures with subcaption and minipage}
It is possible you have an invisible control character in your input (there is not in the version pasted above)?
in the log, but I guess that is the important part:! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.
etc. are unknown, the used KOMA-Script version is very old. The "Missing \begin{document}` is only a result of the unknown starred versions.missing document
bit is the least important part of the error message!