I am a beginner in LaTex. I use sharelatex to write my documents in LaTex.

So I have a problem while writing my CV witth moderncv banking style. I want to put my availability encircled in red where the arrow points and be sure that after replacing that, my mobile phone and my e-mail will be centered. And I also want to reduce the space indicates by the brown arrow just above "Objective : looking for a gap year internship"

enter image description here




\usepackage[scale=0.95, top=0.5cm, bottom=1cm]{geometry}

\email{[email protected]} 
\extrainfo{Available : July 2017 }

\quote{Objective : looking for a gap year internship}

If someone could help me, it would be very nice ! I haven't found anything about that problem on the Internet.



1 Answer 1


Add the following lines to the preamble, between \makeatletter and \makeatother:


and add the availability as \moreextrainfo using tikz:

%\extrainfo{Available: July 2017}
  {\tikz[baseline=(A.base)]\node[ellipse,draw=red] (A) {Available: July 2017};}

enter image description here




\usepackage[scale=0.95, top=0.5cm, bottom=1cm]{geometry}

\email{[email protected]} 
  {\tikz[baseline=(A.base)]\node[ellipse,draw=red] (A) {Available: July 2017};}

\quote{Objective : looking for a gap year internship}

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