Background In a draft book, I am using cabin
[scaled to 0.93] as my sans-serif font both for text and for some math symbols. The font for section-headings is defined by \setsecheadstyle{\Large\sffamily\raggedright}
(in a memoir
class document).
The issue I am quite happy with the look of the book, except that the word-spacing in section-headings looks very slightly too cramped. (Running heads, also in sans-serif, but at normal size, look fine to me as they are.)
The question(s) Is there a way to increase the word spacing of text set in \Large\sffamily
while leaving other sans serif text untouched? (The current letter spacing is fine, and I don't want to change that.)
Failing that, what is the simplest way to increase the word spacing of text set in \sffamily
while leaving the spacing of mathematics set in sans serif untouched?
Minimal example to work with ...
\section{This heading could do with marginally more word spacing}