I am trying to modify the altacv class in order to make a similar class for a motivation letter.

In the header I am using two minipages, one with full \textwidth for the name and current position and the other with reduced \textwidth, in order to have one contact information for each line. The second minipage is below the first and is supposed to align right in the same way, but it does not:

enter image description here

Here is the part of the class where the command for the header is defined:


I have tried with several combinations of flushright environment, \hfill and \raggedleft, but I do not get a perfect alignment to the right. Does anyone have a suggestion?

Here is the main:



% Change the page layout if you need to

% Change the font if you want to.

% If using pdflatex:

% If using xelatex or lualatex:
% \setmainfont{Lato}

% Change the colours if you want to

% Change the bullets for itemize and rating marker
% for \cvskill if you want to

\name{Name Surname}
\tagline{Current position}




And here is the complete class:


%% v1.1: Optionally load academicons



%% v1.1: Optionally load academicons
  %% Patch to make academicons compilable with XeLaTeX
  \msg_redirect_name:nnn { fontspec } { font-not-found } { none }



% \RequirePackage{marginfix}










  {\small\makebox[0.5\linewidth][l]{\faCalendar \hspace{0.5em}#3}%

  \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}p{2em} @{\hspace{1ex}} >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}X@{}}
  \multirow{2}{*}{\Large\color{accent}#1} & \bfseries\textcolor{emphasis}{#2}\\
  & #3

  \tikz[baseline]\node[anchor=base,draw=body!30,rounded corners,inner xsep=1ex,inner ysep =0.75ex,text height=1.5ex,text depth=.25ex]{#1};

\foreach \x in {1,...,5}{%

% Adapted from @Jake's answer at http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/82729/226
    % Calculate total
    \foreach \value/\colour/\name in {#3} {%

      % Calculate the thickness and the middle line of the wheel

      % Rotate so we start from the top

      % Loop through each value set. \cumnum keeps track of where we are in the wheel
      \foreach \value/\width/\colour/\name in {#3} {
            \pgfmathsetmacro{\newcumnum}{\cumnum + \value/\totalnum*360}

            % Calculate the percent value
            % Calculate the mid angle of the colour segments to place the labels

            % This is necessary for the labels to align nicely
            } \edef\textanchor{\pgfmathresult}
               (-\midangle>180?"flush left":"flush right")
            } \edef\textalign{\pgfmathresult}

            % Draw the color segments. Somehow, the \midrow units got lost, so we add 'pt' at the end. Not nice...
            \filldraw[draw=white,fill=\colour] (-\cumnum:\outerradius) arc (-\cumnum:-(\newcumnum):\outerradius) --
            (-\newcumnum:\innerradius) arc (-\newcumnum:-(\cumnum):\innerradius) -- cycle;

            % Draw the data labels
            \draw  [*-,thin,emphasis] node [append after command={(\midangle:\midradius pt) -- (\midangle:\outerradius + 1ex) -- (\tikzlastnode)}] at (\midangle:\outerradius + 1ex) [xshift=\labelshiftdir*0.5cm,inner sep=1ex, outer sep=0pt, text width=\width,anchor=\textanchor,align=\textalign,font=\small,text=body]{\name};
            % Set the old cumulated angle to the new value
%      \draw[gray] (0,0) circle (\outerradius) circle (\innerradius);

  \item[\emailsymbol] #2
  \item[\small\mailsymbol] #3
%   \medskip



% v1.1.2: make it easier to add a sidebar aligned with top of next page


1 Answer 1


\email etc. are calling \printinfo. This command inserts a horizontal space of 2em after the entry. So you have to redefine this command:


But now the entries need less horizontal space and two of them would fit in one line inside the minipage with the width 0.3\textwidth. So you have to add linebreaks manuelly:


enter image description here



% Change the page layout if you need to

% Change the font if you want to.

% If using pdflatex:

% If using xelatex or lualatex:
% \setmainfont{Lato}

% Change the colours if you want to

% Change the bullets for itemize and rating marker
% for \cvskill if you want to


\name{Name Surname}
\tagline{Current position}



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