A bunch of solutions with stackengine
: I defined \big, Big, &c.
variants in two series, based on \varnot + \vert
or on \ndivides + \vert
with a different \not
sign. I suppose it is intended to be a (non-)relational symbol.
\usepackage{mathtools, mathabx, xcolor}
\usepackage{stackengine, relsize}
\[ \begin{array}{l*{6}{c}}
\verb+ \nmid series: + & \nmid & \nbmid & \nBmid & \nbbmid & \nBBmid \\[4ex]
\verb+ \ndivides series: + & \ndivides & \bndivides & \Bndivides & \bbndivides & \BBndivides
\end{array} \]
, and\not{\big|}
all in the same document? Are you sure your readers can pick up the difference between|
?|A| | |B|
and would like to use|A| \big| |B|
to distinguish between the sign of "divides" and that ofcarnality
. I know there are other variants such as\mid
, but I really prefer\big|
. The only problem is that I would also like to adapt this for "not-dividing", hence my question.