I was wondering to know how to change the font size of the words, symbol , etc. only for the table and keep the size of the text unchanged.
Case & R.T.\footnote{Rock Type} & R.M. \footnote{Rock Mineralogy}& OABN \footnote{Oil Acid/Base Number} & Aging (days) & I.S (ppm)\footnote{Ionic Strength} & ObP(psi) \footnote{Overburden Pressure} & $\Delta p (psi)$ \footnote{Pressure drop} & I.B.C\footnote{Injected Brine composition} & P.B.C\footnote{Produced Brine composition} & pH & T(${^\circ}$C) \footnote{Temperature} & R.F.(\%) \footnote{Recovery Factor}& Re.\footnote{Reference}\\
\hline \hline
1 & S \footnote{Sandstone} & 30000 & 23 & 100 & 2 \\
\caption{Core flooding results}
the table (all what is insidelandscape
environment) has this font size. :) Welcome to TeX.SE!\documentclass{...}
folows relevant packages in preamble and end with `\end{document}. Only with it we can see your problem. I don't see any reason that your claim hold!\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{lipsum} \begin{document} \lipsum*[2] \begin{table}[ht] \centering \footnotesize \begin{tabular}{cc} \hline 11111111111 & 2222222222 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} \lipsum*[3] \end{document}
and you should see, that table has smaller font than main text.