I need to draw a filled 3D triangle that is curved on the interior. I wish to have parabolic edges and a smooth NURBS presentation and not a collection of small triangles on the interior of the triangle. The information that I have for the triangle are the (x,y,z) locations of the three corners and the three mid-edges. Any advise would be greatly appreciated!

import three;

// Rational Bezier patch: // udegree=3, vdegree=3, nu=4, nv=4;

real[] uknot={0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1};
real[] vknot={0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1};
triple[][] P=scale3(20)*octant1.P;

// Optional weights:
real[][] weights=array(P.length,array(P[0].length,1.0));



The above was a sample code that I found and edited from the web produces the image shown below. I printed the "P" variable data, but I don't understand it's meaning.

(20,0,0)    (20,0,11.0456949966159) (11.0456949966159,0,20) (0,0,20)
(20,11.0456949966159,0) (20,11.0456949966159,11.0456949966159)  (11.0456949966159,6.10036889791324,20)  (0,0,20)
(11.0456949966159,20,0) (11.0456949966159,20,11.0456949966159)  (6.10036889791324,11.0456949966159,20)  (0,0,20)
(0,20,0)    (0,20,11.0456949966159) (0,11.0456949966159,20) (0,0,20)

Are these point the control point for the Nurbs surface? The problem that I want to display would be to provide a curved triangle like in that example, but I would only need to use the corner and mid-edge points to the triangle. Any help would be appreciated!

enter image description here

Thanks, Joe

  • Can you edit your question to include a sketch of what you want? For example, I don't understand how a "filled 3D triangle" can be "curved on the interior". Do you mean that the interior fill will not lie on the same plane as the triangle vertices?
    – James
    Commented May 16, 2017 at 17:56
  • Thanks James, import three; size(10cm); currentprojection=perspective(50,80,50); // Rational Bezier patch: // udegree=3, vdegree=3, nu=4, nv=4; real[] uknot={0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1}; real[] vknot={0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1}; triple[][] P=scale3(20)*octant1.P; // Optional weights: real[][] weights=array(P.length,array(P[0].length,1.0)); write("P="); write(P); draw(P,uknot,vknot,weights,gray);
    – JJQuigley
    Commented May 16, 2017 at 18:02
  • The above was a sample code that I found and edited from the web. I printed the "P" variable data, but I don't understand it's meaning. Are these point the control point for the Nurbs surface? The problem that I want to display would be to provide a curved triangle like in that example, but I would only need to use the corner and mid-edge points to the triangle. Nay help would be appreciated!
    – JJQuigley
    Commented May 16, 2017 at 18:05
  • 1
    I have incorporated your code and the resulting image into your question. Unfortunately, I can't answer your question as I'm not a big user of 3D. I'm sure someone else will be able to help. Good luck!
    – James
    Commented May 16, 2017 at 18:21

1 Answer 1


The triple[][] P defines the control points of the Bézier patch. For your question, the corner and mid-edge points are not sufficient to define a unique Bézier patch. I tried to answer using Asymptote routines in the same spirit of the octant definition (see three_surface.asy). With a path3 of length =<4 (and without any internal points, optional) it is possible to construct the surface.

Here an attempt

import three;

triple A=(0,1,0);
triple B=(1,0,0);
triple MAB=(.6,.6,0); //mid-edge (AB)
triple C=(0,0,1);
triple MAC=(0,.6,.6); // mid-edge
triple MBC=(.7,0,.7); //mid-edge

path3 gc1=(A..MAB..B); //to avoid computation
path3 gc2=(B..MBC..C); // I use asymptote path3 routine
path3 gc3=(C..MAC..A);
// I recover the different tangents in A, B, C 
// to construct a cycle-path3 of length 3.
path3 gc=point(gc1,0){dir(gc1,0)}..{dir(gc1,2)}point(gc1,2){dir(gc2,0)}



and the picture enter image description here

Please test and improve the code.


  • Hello O.G. Thank you very much! This was a great help to me and my research. Joe
    – JJQuigley
    Commented May 17, 2017 at 12:57

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