Inside the verbatim environment, is it possible to use a different color, please? For example, I want a to be normal, i.e., black. But I want b to be red.



a (black)
b (I want this letter to be red)


Follow-up Question:

The solution provided by Ignasi was neat. However, there is a problem. If I need to write the entire verbatim in a non-black color, then it will not work.



I want the following to look exactly like the way I put, i.e., like an align. But it displays in one line. How to fix?

a = b + 1
  = x + y
  = s + t
  = c - d
  = o * p


4 Answers 4


Not exactly the same solution pointed by flav:



a (black)
\textcolor{red}{b} (I want this letter to be red)


enter image description here

Note: Credits to fancyvrb documentation

Answer to follow-up question:

To change the color for all contents of verbatim use a colored scope.



a (black)
\textcolor{red}{b} (I want this letter to be red)

a (black)
\textcolor{red}{b} (I want this letter to be red)


enter image description here

  • I would assume that this idea can be extended to other common font. For example, if I want to use bold face for certain letter, then I can just use \textbf{b}. Right?
    – LaTeXFan
    May 18, 2017 at 9:22
  • @LaTeXFan Yes. Did you try it?
    – Ignasi
    May 18, 2017 at 9:44
  • Yes. It worked. Cheers.
    – LaTeXFan
    May 18, 2017 at 10:54
  • I have a follow-up question for you. Thanks.
    – LaTeXFan
    May 19, 2017 at 1:14
  • @LaTeXFan {\color{red}\begin{Verbatim}...\end{Verbatim}}
    – Ignasi
    May 19, 2017 at 6:50

A verbatimbox approach, using < and > as active delimiters of the red text. Invoked by providing the \vbdelim macro as the optional argument to the verbnobox environment.

\catcode`>=\active %
\catcode`<=\active %
\catcode`>=12 %
\catcode`<=12 %
a (black)
<b> (I want this letter to be <red>)

enter image description here

Here is a more general version in which the color can be provided as an optional argument to <

\catcode`>=\active %
\catcode`<=\active %
\catcode`>=12 %
\catcode`<=12 %
a (black)
<b> (I want this letter to be <red>)
<[blue!45]c> and this one to be <[blue!45]blue!45>

enter image description here

  • This is wonderful. But the previous one does look tider.
    – LaTeXFan
    May 18, 2017 at 10:55

If your verbatim environment doesn't really contain stuff that requires it (that is, it's just regular text), consider using the alltt environment (from alltt):

The alltt pack­age de­fines the alltt en­vi­ron­ment which is like the ver­ba­tim en­vi­ron­ment ex­cept that \ and braces have their usual mean­ings. Thus, other com­mands and en­vi­ron­ments can ap­pear within an alltt en­vi­ron­ment.

enter image description here




a (black)
\textcolor{red}{b} (I want this letter to be red)


If you want all verbatim text in your document to be of your selected colour, you can just redefine the commands in the preamble using the package newverbs

% etc

(example with colour red)

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