As the title, I want to insert two pairs of \footnotemark and \footnotetext in the block environment, but the superscript number of the mark is different (e.g. 3 and 4), but the superscript number for the text is the same (e.g. 4).

  author   = {F. Yazdanpanah and C. Alvarez-Martinez and D. Jimenez-Gonzalez and Y. Etsion},
  title    = {Hybrid Dataflow/von-Neumann Architectures},
  journal  = {IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems},
  year     = {2014},
  volume   = {25},
  number   = {6},
  pages    = {1489--1509},
  month    = jun,
  issn     = {1045-9219},
  doi      = {10.1109/TPDS.2013.125},
author        = {Amdahl, Gene M.},
title         = {Validity of the Single Processor Approach to Achieving Large Scale Computing Capabilities},
booktitle     = {Proceedings of the April 18-20, 1967, Spring Joint Computer Conference},
year          = {1967},
series        = {AFIPS '67 (Spring)},
pages         = {483--485},
address       = {New York, NY, USA},
publisher     = {ACM},
__markedentry = {[Administrator:6]},
acmid         = {1465560},
doi           = {10.1145/1465482.1465560},
location      = {Atlantic City, New Jersey},
numpages      = {3},
url           = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1465482.1465560},

\documentclass[utf8, xcolor=table]{beamer}  

\begin{block}{this is a block\footnotemark}
    this is the context\footnotemark.

  • 3
    \footnotetext[1]{\fullcite{Amdahl1967}} can be used to set the number to, in this case, 1. If you are worried about problems during renumeration, then \footnotetext[\numexpr\thefootnote-1]{\fullcite{Amdahl1967}} Commented May 19, 2017 at 16:34
  • @StevenB.Segletes, it works, but if there is a new citation inserted between them, the constant 1 in the expression is required to be modified, is there an other way the keep it automatically renumbering?
    – Patrick
    Commented May 19, 2017 at 16:44
  • 3
    You could do something like \addtocounter{footnote}{-2} \footnotetext{\fullcite{Amdahl1967}}\stepcounter{footnote} \footnotetext{\fullcite{Yazdanpanah2016}}\stepcounter{footnote} \footnotetext{\fullcite{Yazdanpanah2014}}. The initial number to subtract will be 1 less than the number of \footnotemarks on the slide. Commented May 19, 2017 at 16:51

2 Answers 2


In my comments, I showed ways to play with optional arguments to \footnotetext to fix the problem. I also showed ways to play with the footnote counter.

However, the real way to fix this is to issue the \footnotetext macros immediately after the corresponding \footnotemarks. This is because the invocation of \footnotemark steps the footnote counter. And that is the proper time to issue the \footnotetext invocation unless your environment precludes it.

  author   = {F. Yazdanpanah and C. Alvarez-Martinez and D. Jimenez-Gonzalez and Y. Etsion},
  title    = {Hybrid Dataflow/von-Neumann Architectures},
  journal  = {IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems},
  year     = {2014},
  volume   = {25},
  number   = {6},
  pages    = {1489--1509},
  month    = jun,
  issn     = {1045-9219},
  doi      = {10.1109/TPDS.2013.125},
author        = {Amdahl, Gene M.},
title         = {Validity of the Single Processor Approach to Achieving Large Scale Computing Capabilities},
booktitle     = {Proceedings of the April 18-20, 1967, Spring Joint Computer Conference},
year          = {1967},
series        = {AFIPS '67 (Spring)},
pages         = {483--485},
address       = {New York, NY, USA},
publisher     = {ACM},
__markedentry = {[Administrator:6]},
acmid         = {1465560},
doi           = {10.1145/1465482.1465560},
location      = {Atlantic City, New Jersey},
numpages      = {3},
url           = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1465482.1465560},

\documentclass[utf8, xcolor=table]{beamer}  

    this is the extraneous footmark\footnotemark.
\footnotetext{Just some text}
\begin{block}{this is a block\footnotemark}
    this is the context\footnotemark.


enter image description here

  • I tried this way, but the footnotetext was still inside the block.
    – Patrick
    Commented May 20, 2017 at 2:41
  • If you call \footnotetext inside a minipage, it can break the formatting of your slide by trying to put the footnote under that minipage (column) instead at the end of the frame. So you must wait to call it after the minipage, and if you have two citations in one minipage, you can't have it count properly with this method. Commented Sep 20, 2021 at 22:26
  • 1
    @T.ZackCrawford Thanks for the warning. As I said at the end of my answer, "unless your environment precludes it". And, for the reasons you cite, it would seem that inside a minipage is not a good place to use this technique. Commented Sep 20, 2021 at 23:08
  • 1
    @StevenB.Segletes Nevermind, I managed to get it to work by adjusting the counter like you mention in the second comment to the OP. Just blindly use \footnotemark{} in the minipage when expected. Then OUTSIDE the minipage, set back the counter \addtocounter{footnote}{-1}\footnotetext{\fullcite{foo}} and manually step for the rest of the slide \addtocounter{footnote}{1}\footnotetext{\fullcite{bar}} Commented Sep 21, 2021 at 1:32

The matter is that \footnotemark also increases its counter, so maintaining a private counter solves the problem:

% replace existing \footnotetext with \note
\newcommand{\note}[1] {

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