This is a follow-up question on Avoid parentheses around optional header material in theorem environment.

I want to do exactly the same (remove the parenthesis around the theorem optional header in a theorem, in beamer), but for ams style theorems. I am indeed using ams style theorems, not the numbered ones, i.e. I use \setbeamertemplate{theorems}[ams style], not \setbeamertemplate{theorems}[numbered] as in the other post. How should I adjust the code there?

A naive change of \defbeamertemplate{theorem begin}{numbered} to \defbeamertemplate{theorem begin}{ams style} ran into the error: LaTeX Error: Command \beamer@@tmpop@theorem begin@ams style already defined.

Here is the code that works for [numbered], and that I would like to adapt for [ams style]:


\expandafter\let\csname beamer@@tmpop@theorem begin@numbered\endcsname\relax
\defbeamertemplate{theorem begin}{numbered}
      \ifx\inserttheoremaddition\@empty\else\ \inserttheoremaddition\fi% (\inserttheoremaddition)



\begin{MyHypo}[insert text]
  This is my hypothesis

  • 1
    this has nothing to do with amsmath. theorems are defined by amsthm, so i've changed the tag. Commented May 24, 2017 at 0:17

1 Answer 1


\defbeamertemplate{theorem begin}{ams style} is defined in beamerbaseauxtemplates.sty, ll. 771. To remove the parenthesis:


\setbeamertemplate{theorems}[ams style]

\setbeamertemplate{theorem begin}
      \ifx\inserttheoremaddition\@empty\else\ \inserttheoremaddition\fi%


\begin{MyHypo}[insert text]
  This is my hypothesis


enter image description here


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