used: adjustox
for image positioning in table cells, tabularx
to fit table in \textwidth
\usepackage{showframe}% for show page layout
Interviewee & Name 1& Name 2 & Name3 & Name 4 \\ \hline
Picture & \includegraphics[width=2cm, height=2cm, margin=3pt,valign=m]
{figures/img1.jpg} & \includegraphics[width=2cm, height=2cm, margin=3pt,valign=m]
{figures/img2.jpg} & \includegraphics[width=2cm, height=2cm, margin=3pt,valign=m]
{figures/img3.JPG} & \includegraphics[width=2cm, height=2cm, margin=3pt,valign=m]
{figures/img4.png} \\ \hline
Company & Name 1 & Name 2 & Name 3 & Name 4 \\ \hline
Logo & \includegraphics[width=2cm, margin=2pt,valign=m]
{figures/img5.png} & \includegraphics[width=2cm, margin=3pt,valign=m]
{figures/img6.png} & \includegraphics[width=2cm, margin=3pt,valign=m]
{figures/img7.png} & \includegraphics[width=2cm, margin=3pt,valign=m]
{figures/img8.png} \\ \hline
Position & & & & \\ \hline
Value added & & & & \\ \hline
Purpose & Input & Input & Application & Application \\ \hline
\caption{My caption}
in the case, that below of images are longer text in more lines, than the columns for pictures had to be derivative of X
column type. For example: >{\RaggedRight}X
\usepackage{ragged2e} % <-- new
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{|>{\bfseries}c|*{4}{>{\RaggedRight}X|}}% <-- changed
Interviewee & Name 1& Name 2 & Name3 & Name 4 \\ \hline
Picture & \includegraphics[width=2cm, height=2cm, margin=3pt,valign=m]
{figures/img1.jpg} & \includegraphics[width=2cm, height=2cm, margin=3pt,valign=m]
{figures/img2.jpg} & \includegraphics[width=2cm, height=2cm, margin=3pt,valign=m]
{figures/img3.JPG} & \includegraphics[width=2cm, height=2cm, margin=3pt,valign=m]
{figures/img4.png} \\ \hline
Company & Name 1 & Name 2 & Name 3 & Name 4 \\ \hline
Logo & \includegraphics[width=2cm, margin=2pt,valign=m]
{figures/img5.png} & \includegraphics[width=2cm, margin=3pt,valign=m]
{figures/img6.png} & \includegraphics[width=2cm, margin=3pt,valign=m]
{figures/img7.png} & \includegraphics[width=2cm, margin=3pt,valign=m]
{figures/img8.png} \\ \hline
Position & & & & \\ \hline
Value added & & & & \\ \hline
Purpose & Input & Input & Application & longer description od application \\ \hline
\caption{My caption}
on the end and all packages related to your table and page layout.width=2cm, height=2cm
specifying both directions can distort the image, just specify one or the other