I would like to create a similar figure in TikZ:
(The size of the nodes is not on purpose and I tried to make all rectangles' corners rounded)
This is my code so far (MWE):
\tikzstyle{rblock} = [rounded rectangle, draw, text width=1.4cm, text centered, minimum height=4em]
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto,node distance=2cm,transform shape,scale=0.8]
\node [rblock] (wibble) {wibble};
\coordinate [below=1cm of wibble] (c1);
\node [rblock,left=3cm of c1] (wobble) {wobble};
\node [rblock,right=3cm of c1] (wubble) {wubble};
\coordinate [below=1cm of wobble] (c2);
\node [rblock,left=0.2cm of c2] (foo) {foo};
\node [rblock,right=0.2cm of c2] (bar) {bar};
\node [rblock,below=0.3cm of wubble] (qux) {qux};
\node [rblock,left=0.2cm of qux] (baz) {baz};
\node [rblock,right=0.2cm of qux] (quux) {quux};
% TODO lines
I was trying to find a solution myself, but I don't even know where to start. I tried looking for 'split arrow' but it didn't help. Could you please help me out?
So how could I get these lines between the nodes?
Also, how could I make the rectangles more like the ones on my lame drawing? So I would like the corners to be rounded, but not as much as they are with rounded rectangle
in the shapes.misc TikZ library...