A serious version:
\documentclass[tikz, border=2mm]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, matrix, arrows.meta,calc}
myline/.style={draw=green!40!black, thick},
box/.style={myline, minimum height=1cm, minimum width=1cm, font=\sffamily, inner sep=.3333em}, >=Stealth]
\matrix (CPU) [matrix of nodes, inner ysep=3mm, nodes=box, myline, column sep=1mm]
{|(CU)|CU & |[draw=none]|CPU & |(ALU)| ALU \\};
\node[box, above left=5mm of CPU] (input) {INPUT};
\node[box, below left=5mm of CPU] (output) {OUTPUT};
\node[box, at=(CPU|-output)] (memory) {MEMORY};
\node[box, below left=5mm of memory, anchor=north] (storage) {STORAGE};
\draw[<->, myline] (storage)-|(memory);
\draw[->,myline] (input)-|(CU);
\draw[->,myline] (CU)|-(output);
\draw[<->, myline] ($(CU.south west)!.2!(CU.south east)$) coordinate (aux)--(aux|-storage.north);
\draw[<->, myline] ($(CU.south west)!.8!(CU.south east)$) coordinate (aux)--(aux|-memory.north);
\draw[<->, myline] ($(ALU.south west)!.2!(ALU.south east)$) coordinate (aux)--(aux|-memory.north);
A not so serious one with credits to Percusse for his penciline
and let me know emerald
\usetikzlibrary{positioning, matrix, arrows.meta,calc,decorations.pathmorphing}
\state{initial}[width=+\pgfdecoratedinputsegmentremainingdistance,auto corner on length=1mm,]{
{% From
{% Control 1
myline/.style={draw=green!40!black, thick, decoration=penciline, decorate},
box/.style={myline, minimum height=1cm, minimum width=1cm, inner sep=.3333em}, >=Stealth]
\matrix (CPU) [matrix of nodes, inner ysep=3mm, nodes=box, myline, column sep=1mm]
{|(CU)|CU & |[draw=none]|CPU & |(ALU)| ALU \\};
\node[box, above left=5mm of CPU] (input) {Input};
\node[box, below left=5mm of CPU] (output) {Output};
\node[box, at=(CPU|-output), minimum width=2cm] (memory) {Memory};
\node[box, below left=5mm of memory, anchor=north] (storage) {Storage};
\draw[<->, myline] (storage)-|(memory);
\draw[->,myline] (input)-|(CU);
\draw[->,myline] (CU)|-(output);
\draw[<->, myline] ($(CU.south west)!.2!(CU.south east)$) coordinate (aux)--(aux|-storage.north);
\draw[<->, myline] ($(CU.south west)!.8!(CU.south east)$) coordinate (aux)--(aux|-memory.north);
\draw[<->, myline] ($(ALU.south west)!.2!(ALU.south east)$) coordinate (aux)--(aux|-memory.north);
And finally some other schemes that I've found in my computer that you can also use.
\documentclass[tikz, border=2mm]{standalone}
BlockCPU/.style={draw,thick, fill=blue!20, rectangle},
BlockAltre/.style={draw,thick, fill=blue!35, rectangle},
Periferic/.style={ellipse, draw, fill=blue!15},
Registre/.style={rectangle, draw, fill=blue!5},
RegistreBuit/.style={rectangle, draw, fill=blue!30,minimum width=.9cm, minimum height=3mm, inner sep =0pt, outer sep=0.pt, anchor=south east},
Nom/.style={font=\normalsize\sffamily,text centered, minimum size=1cm, text width=1.5cm}
\node[Registre, minimum width=3.9cm, minimum height=3.4cm, anchor=south west, label={above:CPU (Processor)}] (CPU) at (0,0) {};
%\node[Nom,above right, align=left] (CPUnom) at (CPU.north west) {CPU};
\node[BlockCPU, minimum width=2cm, anchor=south west] (IB) at (0.3,0.3) {Bus interface};
\node[RegistreBuit] (Reg1) at ($(IB.north east)+(-2mm,5mm)$) {};
\node[RegistreBuit] (Reg2) at (Reg1.north east) {};
\node[RegistreBuit] (Reg3) at (Reg2.north east) {};
\node[RegistreBuit] (Reg4) at (Reg3.north east) {};
\node[RegistreBuit,label={above:Registers}] (Reg5) at (Reg4.north east) {};
\node[BlockCPU, left=3mm of Reg3] (PC) {PC};
\node[BlockCPU, right=5mm of Reg3, minimum width=1cm, minimum height=2cm] (ALU) {ALU};
\draw let \p1=($(Reg1.south) - (Reg1|-IB.north)$), \n1={veclen(\x1,\y1)} in node[double arrow, Bus, shape border rotate=90,anchor=north, minimum height=\n1-\pgflinewidth,minimum width=1mm, double arrow head extend=.5mm] at ([yshift=.5\pgflinewidth]Reg1.south) {};
\node[single arrow, Bus, anchor=west, minimum width=2mm, single arrow head extend=.5mm, minimum height=5mm-.5\pgflinewidth] at (Reg4.east) {};
\node[single arrow, Bus, anchor=west, minimum width=2mm, single arrow head extend=.75mm, minimum height=5mm-.5\pgflinewidth, shape border rotate=180] at (Reg2.east) {};
\node[double arrow, Bus,, anchor=west, minimum width=1mm, double arrow head extend=.75mm] (BusS) at (IB.east) {System bus};
\node[Registre,minimum width=12mm,minimum height=8mm, anchor=west] (ES) at (BusS.east) {E/S Bridge};
\node[double arrow, Bus,, anchor=west, minimum width=1mm, double arrow head extend=.75mm] (BusM) at (ES.east) {Memory bus};
\node[Registre,minimum width=12mm,minimum height=8mm, text centered,text width=12mm,anchor=west] (Mem) at (BusM.east) {Main memory};
\node[double arrow, Bus,, anchor=north, minimum height=9cm, minimum width=2mm, double arrow head extend=.75mm,anchor=north] (BusES) at ([yshift=-.3cm]ES.south) {Input/Output bus};
\node[single arrow, Bus,, anchor=north, minimum width=2mm, single arrow head extend=.75mm, minimum height=3mm-.5\pgflinewidth, shape border rotate=90] (BusESP) at (ES.south) {};
\node[single arrow, Bus,, anchor=north, minimum width=2mm, single arrow head extend=.75mm, minimum height=5mm-.5\pgflinewidth, shape border rotate=270] (Per1) at ([shift={(-3.5cm,1mm)}]BusES.south) {};
\node[Periferic,anchor=north] (Ratoli) at (Per1.south) {Mouse};
\node[single arrow, Bus, anchor=north, minimum width=2mm, single arrow head extend=.75mm, minimum height=5mm-.5\pgflinewidth, shape border rotate=270] (Per2) at ([shift={(-1.8cm,1mm)}]BusES.south) {};
\node[Periferic,anchor=north] (Teclat) at (Per2.south) {Keyboard};
\node[single arrow, Bus,, anchor=north, minimum width=2mm, single arrow head extend=.75mm, minimum height=5mm, shape border rotate=270] (Per3) at ([shift={(0cm,1mm)}]BusES.south) {};
\node[Periferic,anchor=north] (Pantalla) at (Per3.south) {Display};
\node[single arrow, Bus,, anchor=north, minimum width=2mm, single arrow head extend=.75mm, minimum height=5mm, shape border rotate=270] (Per4) at ([shift={(1.5cm,1mm)}]BusES.south) {};
\node[Periferic,anchor=north] (Disc) at (Per4.south) {Disc};
\node[single arrow, Bus,, anchor=north, minimum width=2mm, single arrow head extend=.75mm, minimum height=5mm, shape border rotate=270] (Per5) at ([shift={(3.5cm,1mm)}]BusES.south) {};
\node[Periferic,anchor=north] (Xarxa) at (Per5.south) {Network};
\path (Disc) -- node {\dots} (Xarxa);
\documentclass[tikz, border=2mm]{standalone}
BlockCPU/.style={draw,thick, fill=blue!20, rectangle},
BlockAltre/.style={draw,thick, fill=blue!35, rectangle},
Periferic/.style={ellipse, draw, fill=blue!15},
Registre/.style={rectangle, draw, fill=blue!5},
Nom/.style={font=\normalsize\sffamily,text centered, minimum size=1cm, text width=1.5cm}}
\node[Registre, anchor=south east] (SP) at (4.3,0.1) {Stack Pointer};
\node[Registre, anchor=south east] (IR) at (SP.north east) {Instruction Register};
\node[Registre, anchor=south east] (PC) at (IR.north east) {Program Counter};
\node[Registre, anchor=south east] (SR) at (PC.north east) {Stat Register};
\node[Nom, left=3mm of PC.south west] (UC) {Control Unit};
\node[BlockCPU,fit=(UC) (SR) (SP)] (UC2) {};
\node[Nom,above right=5mm and 2mm of UC2.north west, anchor=south west] (UA) {ALU};
\node[Registre, above= 5mm of UA, text width=1cm, text centered] (Reg) {Registers};
\node[BlockCPU,fit=(Reg) (UA)] (ALU) {};
\node[BlockAltre,minimum width=2cm,anchor=south east] (ROM) at (UC2.east|-ALU.south) {ROM};
\node[Nom,text width=1.5cm] (RAM) at (ROM|-ALU) {Main Memory};
%\node[Registre,text width=1cm, below=0.5mm of RAM, anchor=north,text centered] (Dades) {Data};
%\node[Registre,text width=1cm, below=1mm of Dades, text centered] (Codi) {Code};
\filldraw[thick,fill=blue!20] ([xshift=.5\pgflinewidth]ROM.north west) |- (ROM.west|-ALU.north) -|([xshift=-.5\pgflinewidth]ROM.north east);
\node[BlockAltre,Nom,text width=1.5cm, text centered,minimum width=1.5cm, minimum height=3.5cm,above right=5mm and 5mm of UC2.south east,anchor=south west] (ES) {Input\\Output\\Unit};
\node[Periferic,right=15mm of ES.south east,anchor=south] (Impressora) {Printer};
\node[Periferic,anchor=north] (Disc) at (Impressora|-ES.north) {Disc};
\node[Periferic] (Ratoli) at (ES-|Disc) {Mouse};
\path (Disc) -- node[Periferic] (Pantalla) {Display} (Ratoli) -- node[Periferic] (Teclat) {Keyboard} (Impressora);
\draw[<->,dashed] ([xshift=5mm]UC2.north west) -- ([xshift=5mm]UC2.north west|-ALU.south);
\draw[<->] (ROM.south) -- node[coordinate] (punt) {} (ROM|-UC2.north);
\filldraw (punt) circle(1pt);
\draw[->] (punt) -| (ALU.south);
\draw[->] (punt) -- (punt -| ES.west);
\draw[<-,dashed] ([xshift=-5mm]ROM.south) -- ([xshift=-5mm]ROM|-UC2.north);
\draw[->,dashed] (UC2.east)--(UC2.east-|ES.west);
\draw[<->] (Disc) -- (Disc-|ES.east);
\draw[<-] (Pantalla) -- (Pantalla-|ES.east);
\draw[<-] (Ratoli) -- (Ratoli-|ES.east);
\draw[<-] (Teclat) -- (Teclat-|ES.east);
\draw[<->] (Impressora) -- (Impressora-|ES.east);
library, see e.g. tex.stackexchange.com/questions/46007/… Edit: Or slightly more to the point: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/249694/…