Using the idea of @AboAmmar in the question # 374104 , in, I made the next drawing:

enter image description here




    \draw[pattern=dots] (0,0) -- (0,4cm) -- (30:2cm) -- cycle;       
    \node at ($(0,0)!1.2!(30:2cm)$) {#1};

\path pic[rotate=  0]  at (4,0) {tr=S};    
\path pic[rotate= 90]  at (4,0) {tr=R};    
\path pic[rotate=-90]  at (0,4) {tr=Q};    
\path pic[rotate=180]  at (0,4) {tr=P};    
\path pic[rotate= 270]  at (0,0) {tr=};    
\path pic[rotate= -180]  at (4,4) {tr=};    
\path pic[rotate= -270]  at (4,4) {tr=};    
\path pic[rotate= -0]  at (0,0) {tr=};    


But, I can't draw the line segment joining P to S. How do?

  • I am not able to make your example compile, are you missing any libraries or packages?
    – Moriambar
    Jun 9, 2017 at 21:17

3 Answers 3




    \draw[pattern=dots] (0,0) -- (0,4cm) -- (30:2cm) -- cycle;
    \draw[pattern=dots] (0,0) -- (0,4cm) -- ++(210:2cm) -- cycle;
    \node at ($(0,0)!1.2!(30:2cm)$) {#1};
    \coordinate (#1) at (30:2cm); } }

  \path pic[rotate= 0] at (4,0) {tr=S};
  \path pic[rotate= 90] at (4,0) {tr=R};
  \path pic[rotate=-90] at (0,4) {tr=Q};
  \path pic[rotate=180] at (0,4) {tr=P};
  \draw (P) -- (S);


enter image description here

  • 2
    Nice, but what about the [PS] segment, then ?
    – marsupilam
    Jun 9, 2017 at 23:31
  • I overlooked that because his question was not well formatted at the beginning. I added the line PS similar as you in my answer for the sake of completeness.
    – hzhr
    Jun 10, 2017 at 6:06
  • marsupilam, the design is about solving the problem: Congruent right triangle are erected to the sides of the square, facing outward and inward alternately as shown in the question # 374104. The problem is to show that the points P, Q, R and S are collinear.
    – benedito
    Jun 11, 2017 at 21:57

I tried an answer interpreting your text







 \draw[pattern=dots] (0,0) -- (0,4cm) -- (30:2cm) -- cycle;
 \node at ($(0,0)!1.2!(30:2cm)$) {#1};



\path pic[rotate=  0]  at (4,0) {tr=S};

\path pic[rotate= 90]  at (4,0) {tr=R};

\path pic[rotate=-90]  at (0,4) {tr=Q};

\path pic[rotate=180]  at (0,4) {tr=P};

\path pic[rotate= 270]  at (0,0) {tr=};

\path pic[rotate= -180]  at (4,4) {tr=};

\path pic[rotate= -270]  at (4,4) {tr=};

\path pic[rotate= -0]  at (0,0) {tr=};

\draw (-1.74,3) -- (5.74,1);




enter image description here


A simple automatic solution using the coordinate key. Without knowing the coordinates of points P or S, the rec picture will name these points pointP and pointS, respectively. Then a simple draw command will connect the two points. Note also that the rec picture now draws rectangles.

\usetikzlibrary{calc, patterns}

  \draw [pattern=dots](0,0) --(30:2cm)coordinate(point#1) --(0,4cm) --++(210:2cm) --cycle;
  \node at ($(0,0)!1.2!(35:2cm)$) {#1}; 

  \draw (0,0) rectangle (4,4);  
  \path pic[rotate=  0] at (4,0) {rec=S};
  \path pic[rotate= 90] at (4,0) {rec=R};
  \path pic[rotate=-90] at (0,4) {rec=Q};
  \path pic[rotate=180] at (0,4) {rec=P};
  \draw (pointS) -- (pointP);


enter image description here

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