I am trying to insert an image in a tabularx using \insertgraphics{}
and none of the solutions that I found on the internet seem to work. To do this, I am using a class with several commands, that are then called in the Latex Document.
The command to create the image is hardcoded in the class, and the image is inside a folder named img
. I am getting several errors but the first one is !Undefined control sequence
The class that I use is the following:
[2012/11/09 v1.0
Two Column Curriculum Vitae]
\color[HTML]{303030} % Default foreground color
\definecolor{link}{HTML}{506060} % Hyperlinks
% In tccv \part must contain the subject of the curriculum vitae.
% The command will start a new page and output in onecolumn the
% subject (first and last name) with the hardcoded text
% "Curriculum vitae" under it.
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ c@{\hskip 0.25in} | X | X }
{\usekomafont{part} \hfill #1} & {#2} & {\begin{minipage}{0.45\textwidth}\includegrafics[width=\textwidth]{img/qrcode.png}\end{minipage}}
% Renders a personal data box:
% |[
% \personal[optional: web site without scheme (no http:// prefix)]
% {address}{phone number}{email}
% ]|
\begin{tabularx}{\boxwidth}{c X}
\faMapMarker & {#2}\smallskip\\
\faPhone & {#3}\smallskip\\
\faEnvelope & \href{mailto:#4}{#4}
\ifstrempty{#1}{}{\smallskip\\ \faLinkedin & \href{http://www.#1}{#1}}
The latex document I am using is:
\part{\makecell[r]{Name \\ Surname}}{\personal
{Address }
{+33 555 55 55 55}
{[email protected]}}
but also you should not have the surrounding minipage.valign=t