I'm trying to plot simple Bode plots using pgfplots. After much research, I discarded the package Bodegraph due to its bad documentation and a lot of troubles with the gnuplot. So, I'm using an axis environment with the logarithmic x-axis activated. The next code is sample example of a tikzpicture that shows the problem.

    height = 3cm,
    xmode = log,   
    axis x line*=box,
    axis y line*=box,
    xmin=1e-2, xmax=1e2,% range for the x axis
    ymin=-100, ymax = 100,
    scale only axis ,
    ytick distance=40,
    xmajorgrids = true,
    ymajorgrids = true,
    title = Fase,
    ylabel = $\phi$,
    xlabel = $\omega$
             ultra thick,
             trig format plots = deg]

The problem is that I get the following wrong plot: The bad result

What I'm expecting to get is something like: What should be plotted

Please, notice that I'm using the trig format plots=true to set degrees for the trigonometric functions. Can anybody help me out? This is just the phase angle plot of a second order system.

Thanks in advance

  • 1
    Use the restrict y to domain=[min,max] keyword. You need to have at least one point outside the clip region to interpolate correctly. See tex.stackexchange.com/questions/324646/… Commented Jun 27, 2017 at 19:29
  • 1
    Why is that wrong/unexpected? You divide by 1-x/2 in argument to atan, so near x=2 you're approaching the limit of infinity, and arctan(+/- inf) is +/-90 degrees. (I have no idea what a phase angle plot of a second order system is.) Commented Jun 27, 2017 at 20:24
  • Use atan2 not atan
    – percusse
    Commented Jun 27, 2017 at 23:30
  • Yes, I'm trying to use atan2 but I get several errors while using atan2 with pgfplots.
    – Aleo
    Commented Jun 28, 2017 at 7:53
  • It seems like atan2 is undefined so a default value 1 is substituted. It raise errors because 1 is not a floating number.
    – Symbol 1
    Commented Jul 2, 2017 at 14:19

1 Answer 1


The plot you show is correct I think, in the sense that it correctly displays the formula you entered. As mentioned in a comment, you divide by 1-x/2 in the argument to atan, and the limit of atan(x) as x approaches infinity is 90 degrees.

percusse mentions in a another comment that you want to use atan2 instead. atan2 takes two values, atan2(y,x). I have no idea exactly what kind of expression you're supposed to use, but as an example (atan2(1,x)-45)*2 gives you something similar to what you expect, though with a less steep curve in the middle part. I'm not familiar with these things though, so I cannot help you find a more appropriate formula.

enter image description here

    height = 3cm,
    xmode = log,   
    axis x line*=box,
    axis y line*=box,
    xmin=1e-2, xmax=1e2,% range for the x axis
    ymin=-100, ymax = 100,
    scale only axis ,
    ytick distance=40,
    xmajorgrids = true,
    ymajorgrids = true,
    title = Fase,
    ylabel = $\phi$,
    xlabel = $\omega$
             ultra thick,
             trig format plots = deg]

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