I'm new to sharelatex and I dont know if this is an old question or not. I did add two figures with different positions but when I've written paragraph normally it's shifting to the right (only the first sentence. How can i fix this ? I just want it to start as usually near the marginal. The problem is at page 24 "at least two products.." Thank you! :)
Here is the code I've used for the pic: `
\usepackage{graphicx, wrapfig}
\caption[width=0.5\textwidth]{Signal result of TG and DSC for different transitions state}
\end{wrapfigure} \\%http://www.americanpharmaceuticalreview.com/Featured-Articles/36776-Thermal-Analysis-A-Review-of-Techniques-and-Applications-in-the-Pharmaceutical-Sciences/
This is an advantage when the sample deduce
(educe) phase changes whereat stoichiometry remains
unchanged (same). Differential scanning calorimetry
(DSC) have similar function as DTA, except that the
temperature remains the same for the sample and the
reference. Which means that the heat will not be
distributed evenly for the sample and the reference
when changes is applied. Under endothermic process,
more heat will be required and negative signal will
display compared to the baseline and for exothermic
process is vice versa (motsattsen).
%[1] Weller, M., Overton, T., Rourke, J., &
Armstrong, F. (2014). Inorganic chemistry. OUP
Oxford. Pages 262-263]
Analyzing the data and how the mass of the
sample is affected by the heat could provide
information about the decomposition of the product,
thermal stability, kinetics and the activation
energy of the decomposition. The general decomposition
mechanism where the initial sample A break down at
certain temperature T and yield at least two products
B and C.
, the required\usepackage
, and\end{document}
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