Consider the following MWE


%%% Type: institute
\newacronym{abc}{ABC}{Awesome Best College}
%%% Type: journal
\newacronym{ijk}{IJK}{International Journal of Karaoke}
%%% Type: conference
\newacronym{cde}{CDE}{Conference on Dual Eternity}



\section{Some examples}
Some Text \gls{abc} and \gls{cde} also \gls{ijk}

The acronyms are printed together:

What I want is, acronyms will be categorized into three classes, something like:

Any help in this regard will be appreciated.


1 Answer 1


The glossaries package does support hierarchical styles. These can span over multiple levels, however, for your case 2 are sufficient (level 0 and 1). You might want to have a look at the manual, it gives a list of the styles capabilities (2017-06-29: Chapter 15, page 199).

If you have selected a style to your liking, I'd suggest to define a new command used to add the entries, as shown below. I used this to distinguish symbols (roman, greek, math, ...), but in the end it doesn't really matter. The important part is the parent=roman option, and - for you - the type=acronym option.

What you probably don't need is the symbol and unit stuff, that is just an extention for my glossary.

\newglossaryentry{roman}{name={Roman Symbols}, description={\glspar}, type=symbols, sort=10}
    % create the glossary entry in the greek category
\newromansymbol[sort=S2]{source-term}{S}{Source or sink term (in general, $S$, or for a defined property \gls{symb:phi} as $S_\phi$)}{\si{\au}}
\newromansymbol[sort=D]{diffusion}{D}{Diffusion coefficient}{\si{\square\metre\per\second}}
\newromansymbol[sort=v]{fluid-velocity}{v}{Fluid velocity}{\si{\metre\per\second}}

If no existing style does what you want you can quite easily modify one. Compare the Question glossaries: How to customize list of symbols with additional column for units? for a general example.


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