Is it possible to reproduce the below heading style using the memoir builtin header style utilities?
...most likely. That's an answer as far as I can tell. :)– Werner ♦Commented Jul 7, 2017 at 18:20
I don't quite understand the numbering scheme used– daleifCommented Jul 7, 2017 at 18:40
It is Chapter for the left page and Section in the right page.– lf_araujoCommented Jul 7, 2017 at 18:43
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1 Answer
It is.
% don't convert titles to upper case in header
% define what goes where in the header
% chapter into \leftmark, number shown, nothing before the
% number and a dot and space after it
\createmark{chapter}{left}{shownumber}{}{. }
% section into \rightmark, number shown, nothing before the
% number and just a space after it
\createmark{section}{right}{shownumber}{}{ }
% define new pagestyle
% head for even numbered pages, chapter title on the left with
% preferred font and size, center and right side of header are empty
% head for odd numbered pages, left side and center of header
% are empty, section title on the right with preferred font and size
% set pagestyle
\section{Something about lipsum}
There are also \makeevenfoot
and \makeoddfoot
for the footline.
More details can be found in section 7.3 of the memoir manual.
Mike, do I have to recreate the heather again once I transition from back matter to mainmatter environment? Commented Jul 7, 2017 at 23:46
1@lf_araujo I think you meant from mainmatter to backmatter. After
chapters and section are no longer numbered by default. So there are no numbers in the header too, But besides that, they are the same font and size.– MikeCommented Jul 7, 2017 at 23:55