It's probably a pretty trivial question but where do I find or download git for LyX?
Where can I find details on LyX math? I presume it's distinct from maths mode, i.e. ctrl m, where the math's box comes up and the code is in blue, come up (within the LyX document in blue font). I presume that this corresponds to the greyed out math's code or format
where you can enter commands to use and install packages layouts like \sloppy? I almost every where on this site. It looks a lot easier to use. If anyone knows how I access that mode, that would be much appreciated.
I presume that math's mode is another name ctrl +m (math's editor mode, and Lyx max, ie the math-x box wherein you can a panel is displayed below and maths commands are automatically rendered.) which creates a new math's box, or is this something distinct again ?
- I presume that math's editor mode is likewise another name for this entity.
Is there a way of inserting text into math's mode into a math box without having to manually put a use the command \, to insert a space, after every word, one at a time, in math's mode, or commands such \text, \mathcal .
I presume there is no package or automatic command that will render this automatic?
Is there any easier way to having flowing text that is does not overflow the margins particular in math's mode.
In the math's inline multi-equation environment is there way to add additional columns so that I add text along the rhs to explain each line. I notice that I cannot add additional columns, only rows Unlike in 'insert cases' or 'insert matrix'. for example