With a KOMA-Script class you can use the automatically loaded package tocbasic
to define an additional ToC.
%%% see: https://komascript.de/comment/5578#comment-5578 (Markus Kohm)
listname={Inhalt des Anhangs},% Titel des Verzeichnisses
]{atoc}% Dateierweiterung (a=appendix, toc=table of contents)
\scr@ifundefinedorrelax{hypersetup}{}{% damit es auch ohne hyperref funktioniert
If you switch to scrreprt
you can use:
%%% see: https://komascript.de/comment/5578#comment-5578 (Markus Kohm)
listname={Inhalt des Anhangs},% Titel des Verzeichnisses
]{atoc}% Dateierweiterung (a=appendix, toc=table of contents)
\scr@ifundefinedorrelax{hypersetup}{}{% damit es auch ohne hyperref funktioniert
Dots between all TOC entries and their page numbers:
If you want to add dots between the chapter entries and their page numbers in all TOCs insert the following line in your preambel:
If you want to add these dots only in the appendix TOC use either
\RedeclareSectionCommand[toclinefill=\TOCLineLeaderFill]{chapter}% <- added
\KOMAoptions{toc=chapterentrywithdots}% <- added
option ofbabel