I am using a class file that has been provided to me that helps format university research papers. Among other things, it modifies the listing-of-table captions before listing them into the LoT. Normally, the table sequence number, followed by the table caption, followed by a dotted line, and ending with a page number make up the line entry. For example:
1 Caption of table one . . . . . . . . 1
Some code from the class file produces this instead:
Table 1: Caption of table one . . . . . . . . 1
...which is desired, and works as long as the table is created with 'table' and 'tabular'. However, I have some lengthy tables, so I am using 'longtable' for those. The problem is that the code that modifies the LoT (as well as LoF) line entry doesn't do anything to modify the longtable sequence number, so I end up with this:
Table 1: Caption of table one . . . . . . . . 1 % produced with the former method
2 Caption of table two . . . . . . . . 1 % produced using 'longtable'
The specific code in the class file that modifies the text is on lines 913-915 of the file. It looks like this (I will list the same snippet in a larger context in a follow-up post; the class file is very large--not sure what the protocol here is for sharing its contents):
\patchcmd{\@caption}{\csname the#1\endcsname}{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname:}{}{}
\renewcommand*\l@figure{\@dottedtocline{1}{1.5em}{4.5em}} % default for 3rd arg: 2.3em
\let\l@table\l@figure % as in article.cls
I read the answer provided to user25260 at https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/96053/longtable-list-of-tables-caption-problem, but the answer didn't seem to fit my class file. I would appreciate some guidance, here. BTW... I'm no expert with LaTeX (actually using ShareLaTeX). The MWE:
%\usepackage{graphicx} used, but not needed for MWE
%\usepackage{gensymb} used, but not needed for MWE
%\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} used, but not needed for MWE
%\usepackage[round, sort]{natbib} used, but not needed for MWE
% new type of column
% applies roman numerals as page numbers
% restarts page numbering with Arabic numbers
\section{A Human Factors Approach to (Steering System) Design Requirements}
In this sentence, we reference Table~\ref{table:biometrics}; the label "Limits for upper limb joint angles" is added to the LoT, prefixed with "Table ", and a colon appended to the table sequence number (which is 1). And from this sentence, we reference Table~\ref{table:hwCitations}. The table caption gets entered into the LoT, but only the table sequence number precedes the caption text. The text, "Table " and the subsequent ":" don't make it in.
\caption{Limits for upper limb joint angles}
\begin{tabular*}{0.9\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\fill}} l r r }
\sffamily Angle\quad & \sffamily Minimum value (degrees)(\(a_{min}\))\quad & \sffamily Maximum value (degrees)(\(a_{max}\)) \\
\(a_{1}\) & -90 & 135 \\
\(a_{2}\) & -80 & 45 \\
\(a_{3}\) & -100 & 25 \\
\(a_{4}\) & -140 & 0 \\
\(a_{5}\) & -140 & 0 \\
\(a_{6}\) & 0 & 15 \\
\(a_{7}\) & -180 & 0 \\
\(a_{8}\) & -80 & 80 \\
\(a_{9}\) & -25 & 50 \\
\begin{longtable}[H]{ p{.70\textwidth} R r }
\caption{Really-long Listing of Literature}\\
\sffamily Title & \sffamily Author, Year & \sffamily Ct \\ [0.5ex]
\sffamily Title & \sffamily Author, Year & \sffamily Ct \\ [0.5ex]
\sffamily\itshape\small A Control-Theoretic Approach to Adaptive Physiological Games & \sffamily\small Parnandi \& Gutierrez-Osuna, 2013 & \sffamily\small 10 \\
\sffamily\itshape\small A Novel Virtual Reality Driving Environment for Autism Intervention & \sffamily\small Bian et al., 2013 & \sffamily\small 9 \\
\sffamily\itshape\small An Experimental Space for Conducting Controlled Driving Behavior Studies Based on a Multiuser Networked 3D Virtual Environment and the Scenario Markup Language & \sffamily\small Gajananan et al., 2013 & \sffamily\small 11 \\
\sffamily\itshape\small Design of a Virtual Reality Driving Environment to Assess Performance of Teenagers with ASD & \sffamily\small Wade et al., 2014 & \sffamily\small 6 \\
\sffamily\itshape\small Evaluating Multimodal Driver Displays of Varying Urgency & \sffamily\small Politis et al., 2013 & \sffamily\small 14 \\
\sffamily\itshape\small Gesturing on the Steering Wheel: A User-Elicited Taxonomy & \sffamily\small Angelini et al., 2014 & \sffamily\small 3 \\
\sffamily\itshape\small Real-time Drunkenness Analysis in a Realistic Car Simulation & \sffamily\small Robinel \& Puzenat, 2012 & \sffamily\small 2 \\
And for bonus points: In putting together this MWE, I noticed the vertical distance between the table captions and the top horizontal rule of each table to differ a little. I don't understand why; if you do, please chime in. Thanks.