I have the following document:
\documentclass[11pt, a4paper, headsepline]{scrbook}
\chapter{Chapter one}
\section{Section one.one}
\subsection{Subsection one.one.one}
\subsection{Subsection one.one.two}
\section{Section one.two}
\subsection{Subsection one.two.one}
\subsection{Subsection one.two.two}
\section{Section one.three}
\subsection{Subsection one.one.one}
\subsection{Subsection one.one.two}
But I want the following toc:
1 Chapter one
1.1 Section one.one
1.1.1 Subsection one.one.one
1.1.2 Subsection one.one.two
1.2 Section one.two <<<--- here subsections are missing
1.3 Section one.three
1.3.1 Subsection one.one.one
1.3.2 Subsection one.one.two
Excluding some subsections via \addtocontents{toc}{\setcounter{tocdepth}{1}} didn't work or maybe I implemented it wrong. Any hints?