The table of content, list of figures, list of tables all shows nothing!
Hello there, please help with this issue. I've compiled more than twice. There shows no error. My code is as follows:
\usepackage[ngerman, english]{babel}
\usepackage[a4paper, lmargin=6cm, rmargin = 2cm, tmargin = 3cm, bmargin = 3cm]{geometry}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{List of Figures\vspace{0pt}}
\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{List of Tables\vspace{0pt}}
\section{Table of Abbreviations}
\section{Table of Symbols}
Thank you very much!!
and ends with\end{document}
. Do you compile twice?amssymb
package, there can be no justification for loading the deprecatedlatexsym
package as well. And, since you're loading thegraphicx
package, there can be no justification for loading theepsfig
package. Next, since you load thesetspace
package and execute\onehalfspacing
, running\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.5}
can only be counterproductive. Finally, don't load packages more than once.tocdepth
is 0 by default inllncs
. See my answer below for more explanationsllncs
-- Springer journals/books guidelines apparently demand that structure levels below chapter should not appear in the ToC. So if this should be a submission to Springer, changingtocdepth
will be rejected, eventually (Don't ask me why Springer designed it this way, however)