To quote a dictum in Chinese in a new page before my thesis in English, I would like to combine the answers to the two post Add a quote to a blank page centered and How does one type Chinese in LaTeX?. I have used \documentclass{report}
, and just want to typeset only a few Chinese charecter. I chose xeCJK with XeLaTeX. My code is as follows. When I compile it, it gives me some errors:
you should not be loading the inputenc package
XeTeX expects the source to be in UTF8 encoding
some features of other encodings may conflict, resulting in poor output.
! Missing $ inserted.
Could somebody help me out. I have been struggling against this problem for a long time. Please note that in this example I include all the necessary characters of concern, such as a bold dot between 语文 and 长城.
\usepackage{lmodern}%for quote page
\settowidth\longest{\huge 我正在认真学习的中文。}
柔中带刚。 \par\bigskip
\raggedleft\Large 《语文$\bm{\cdot}$长城》 \par%
, the engine already expects UTF8. Actually, as the error message says you "should not" load inputenc.standalone
, producing a cropped PDF file and including it as graphics.