I wanted all in-text citations in a different color to make them stand out from the text. I used a solution provided by following link.
Color citation using biblatex : in-text + references (issue with postnote + bibliography)
In particular, I used \AtEveryCite
command. The closing parenthesis is also colored blue. However, the period mark when the references are at the end of a sentence should be black, but above commands makes them blue. Any way to fix this minor glitch? Thanks. Jay
\documentclass[a4paper, oneside, 12pt]{memoir}
\usepackage[backend=bibtex, %bibtex worked well
style=authoryear-comp, %nature for numbered style
sorting=nyt, % cite according to author's last name,year and title.
\usepackage[table,xcdraw,dvipsnames]{xcolor} % colouring of raws and also for R code grey background
\definecolor{bleu_cite}{RGB}{34,111,212} % pure blue: {0,0,128}, light blue:{80,135,208}
allcolors = black,
This is a borrowed fact \parencite{aristotle:physics}.
12 pt
should probably be12pt
(no space).\AtEveryCiteKey
is commented in moewe's code and\mkbibbracketscol
is introduced. The example given by moewe does not have coloured periods. Please test his example to confirm.\DeclareCiteCommand
you will have to adapt those inauthoryear-comp