I would like to write a matrix like the picture below (that is my target): But I'm struggling with f1 f2...f(e1) f(e2).

a_{1,1}      &      & a_{1,j}   & \dots & a_{1,p} \\
a_{2,1}      &      & a_{2,j}   & \dots & a_{2,p} \\
\vdots        &         & \vdots    & \ddots& \vdots \\
a_{n,1}      & \dots    & a_{n,j}   & \dots & a_{n,p}\\

enter image description here


2 Answers 2


You can use \bordermatrix.


           & f(e_1)  & \dots & f(e_j)  & \dots  & f(e_p)  \cr
    f_1    & a_{1,1} &       & a_{1,j} & \dots  & a_{1,p} \cr
    f_2    & a_{2,1} &       & a_{2,j} & \dots  & a_{2,p} \cr
    \vdots & \vdots  &       & \vdots  & \ddots & \vdots  \cr
    f_n    & a_{n,1} & \dots & a_{n,j} & \dots  & a_{n,p} \cr

enter image description here


A solution based on gauss:

\usepackage{gauss, array, pgffor}

\let\rowmultlabel\text \let\colmultlabel\text\setlength{\rowarrowsep}{0pt}\setlength{\colarrowsep}{0.8ex}%


\begin{tabular}{ >{\footnotesize\color{PaleGreen3}$}c<{\!$}@{}}
f_1 \\[-0.8ex] f_2 \\ \vdots\\[-0.1ex] f_n
    a_{11} & \dots & a_{1j} & \dots &a_{1p} \\%
    a_{21} & \dots & a_{2j} & \dots &a_{2p} \\%
     \vdots & & \vdots & &\vdots \\%
    a_{n1} & \dots & a_{nj} & \dots &a_{np}
\foreach \i/\label in {0/ f({\color{RoyalBlue3}e_1}), 1/\dotsm, 2/ f({\color{RoyalBlue3}e_j}), 3/\dotsm, 4/ f({\color{RoyalBlue3}e_p})}{\matlab{\i}{\footnotesize$ \label$}}


enter image description here

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