I am using Pagella as my main math font but MnSymbol for the \mathcal font and this has strange interactions.

The following code

 $\big||a| - |b|\big|\leq|a-b|$

compiles to

base code

In relation with the answer that worked well for my previous problem with the range feature of unicode-math, I tried

\setmathfont[range={up,it,tt,bb,frak, scr}]{texgyrepagella-math.otf}  %% NEW
 $\big||a| - |b|\big|\leq|a-b|$

which improves things but leaves some ununderstandable space : trying to improve things

I would like this inequation to look like this (achieved by not using MnSymbol at all, but I want it for my mathcal !)

desired output

Note : in this example, replacing the explicit \big by \left and \right gives a correct output, even without the workaround. But this \left. \frac12 \right) gives the same strange glyph for the left delimiter (although the workaround eliminates this one !).

1 Answer 1


Use \setmathfontface to setup up a \mathXX font:


 $\mathcal{A} \big||a| - |b|\big|\leq|a-b|$

enter image description here

  • Thanks. This works --- what is the point of the cal range in unicode-math then ? Alas, the workaround in the referred question still causes the "additional spacing" problem. I am going to unaccept and comment there.
    – ysalmon
    Aug 23, 2017 at 14:36
  • The cal-range is mainly there to change the \symcal-font and changes \mathcal in a sort of side effect. But the range option is as I already mentioned buggy and difficult to handle with math fonts. With non-math fonts (like MnSymbol) it is simply a pain. Aug 23, 2017 at 14:50

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