Preferably using the enumitem
package, how can I create a list of this form?
(1), (2) First item
(3) Second item
(4) Third item
Preferably using the enumitem
package, how can I create a list of this form?
(1), (2) First item
(3) Second item
(4) Third item
You could set the first item (and accompanying horizontal alignment) manually:
\begin{enumerate}[label={(\arabic*)}, start=3, leftmargin=*]
\item[] \hspace*{\dimexpr-\labelindent-\labelwidth-\labelsep+\itemindent}%
(1), (2) \hspace{\itemindent}First item
\item \label{second} Second item
\item Third item
\item etc.
See items~\ref{first-a} and~\ref{first-b}, or~\ref{second}.
We also set the reference manually via \setref{<stuff>}
, after which one can use \label
in the usual way. If hyperref
is loaded, consider adding \phantomsection
to appropriately mark the hyperlink to jump to.