I would like to draw thick black points on coordinates
(0,0) and (4,0)
and small little circles on coordinates
(0,4) and (4,4)
but I do not know how to do that. Can you help me?
x=1cm, y=1cm, scale=1.0,
\draw[ help lines] (0,0) grid (4.5,4.5);
% x-axis
\draw[->] (-0.2,0) -- (4.5,0) node[below] {$\varphi(a)$};
%numbers on x-axis
\draw[shift={(0,0)}, color=black] (0pt,2pt) -- (0pt,-2pt) node[below] {\footnotesize $0$};
\draw[shift={(4,0)}, color=black] (0pt,2pt) -- (0pt,-2pt) node[below] {\footnotesize $4$};
% y-axis
\draw[->] (0,-0.2) -- (0,4.5) node[right] {};%node[above left]
% numbers on axis
\draw[shift={(0,4)},color=black] (2pt,0pt) -- (-2pt,0pt) node[left] {\footnotesize $4$};
\draw[shift={(0,2)},color=black] (2pt,0pt) -- (-2pt,0pt) node[left] {\footnotesize $2$};
\draw[shift={(0,1.5)},color=black] (2pt,0pt) -- (-2pt,0pt) node[left] {\footnotesize $\varphi(e)$};