We are still within the 12 days of Christmas and the wise men have not yet arrived bearing gifts, so I trust that I do not arrive too late.
I wondered...
If we have trees, why not a forest?
There is, of course, no reason whatsoever to draw a Christmas tree using forest
Nadolig Llawen!
Note that the current code has been updated to work with Forest 2.1, as the previous version would no longer compile. If you want to compile with older Forest, please use the code from the previous version of my answer.
\documentclass[tikz, border=5pt, rgb, x11names, svgnames, dvipsnames]{standalone}
% adapted (simplified version) from tex/generic/pgf/frontendlayer/tikz/libraries/tikzlibrarybackgrounds.code.tex
on foreground layer/.style={%
execute at begin scope={%
\tikzset{every on foreground layer/.try,#1}%
execute at end scope={\endpgfonlayer}
on canghennau layer/.style={
execute at begin scope={%
\tikzset{every on canghennau layer/.try,#1}%
execute at end scope={\endpgfonlayer}
on boncyff layer/.style={
execute at begin scope={%
\tikzset{every on boncyff layer/.try,#1}%
execute at end scope={\endpgfonlayer}
on goleuni layer/.style={
execute at begin scope={%
\tikzset{every on goleuni layer/.try,#1}%
execute at end scope={\endpgfonlayer}
aa/.store in=\cfr@aa,
pics/anrheg/.style n args={2}{
\node (-bocs) [anchor=north, rounded corners=2pt, outer sep=0pt, minimum width=5mm, minimum height=5mm, fill=#1, rotate=\cfr@aa] {};
\path [fill=#2, draw=#2, rotate=\cfr@aa]
[out=80, in=-105] to ([xshift=.5mm]-bocs.north)
[out=175, in=5] to ([xshift=-.5mm]-bocs.north)
[out=-85, in=100] to ([xshift=.5mm]-bocs.south)
[out=-175, in=-5] to cycle;
\path [fill=#2, draw=#2, rotate=\cfr@aa]
[out=-10, in=-175] to ([yshift=-.5mm]-bocs.east)
[out=85, in=-85] to ([yshift=.5mm]-bocs.east)
[out=-175, in=-10] to ([yshift=-.5mm]-bocs.west)
[out=95, in=-95] to cycle;
inner color=transparent!0,
outer color=transparent!100]
declare count register=nodes y goeden,
nodes y goeden'=0,
declare count register=tier count,
tier count'=1,
% canghennau
cangen chwith/.style={
edge path={
\noexpand\scoped[on canghennau layer]{
\noexpand\path [draw=ForestGreen, thick, \forestoption{edge}]
(!u.parent anchor) +(0,20pt) [out=-90, in=150] to (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label}
(!u.parent anchor) +(0,15pt) [out=-90, in=150] to (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label}
(!u.parent anchor) +(0,10pt) [out=-90, in=150] to (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label}
(!u.parent anchor) +(0,5pt) [out=-90, in=150] to (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label}
(!u.parent anchor) [out=-90, in=150] to (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
cangen dde/.style={
edge path={
\noexpand\scoped[on canghennau layer]{
\noexpand\path [draw=ForestGreen, thick, \forestoption{edge}]
(!u.parent anchor) +(0,20pt) [out=-90, in=30] to (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label}
(!u.parent anchor) +(0,15pt) [out=-90, in=30] to (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label}
(!u.parent anchor) +(0,10pt) [out=-90, in=30] to (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label}
(!u.parent anchor) +(0,5pt) [out=-90, in=30] to (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label}
(!u.parent anchor) [out=-90, in=30] to (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
before typesetting nodes={
prepend={[, bud, cangen chwith]},
append={[, bud, cangen dde]},
edge path={
\noexpand\scoped[on boncyff layer]{
\noexpand\path [line cap=round, line width=2.5pt, draw=Chocolate4, \forestoption{edge}] (!u.parent anchor) -- (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
star, minimum size=25pt, star points=7, star point ratio=3, parent anchor=south, outer sep=2pt, inner color=white, outer color=Gold1, draw=Goldenrod1, inner color=white, outer color=Silver, draw=Snow3, tikz={\scoped[on goleuni layer]\node (sglein) [minimum width=50pt, circle, inner color=white, outer color=Silver, path fading=disglair] {};}
nodes y goeden'+=1,
name/.process={Rw}{nodes y goeden}{n##1},
no edge, enw, anchor=north
inner sep=0pt,
outer sep=0pt,
parent anchor=center,
child anchor=center,
inner sep=0pt,
outer sep=0pt,
parent anchor=center,
child anchor=center,
no edge,
for tree={
if level=0{}{
if n=1{
tier count'+=1,
s sep+=7.5,
before computing xy={
l/.process={Rw+n+d}{tier count}{4*#1 pt}
before typesetting nodes={
if n children=0{
[, bud, boncyff
[, bud, l'=2pt, boncyff
[, anrheg, alias=troed, before computing xy={l'=0pt}
for children={
>OOw+n={n}{!u.n children}{(#1+1)/2}
[, gwag, l'=2pt
[, anrheg, before computing xy={l'=7.5pt}
[, seren, plant=1
[, plant=2
[, plant=3
[, plant=4
[, plant=5
[, plant=6
\foreach \i in {1,...,50}
\node [circle, ball color=lliw\result] at (n\i) {};
\scoped[on goleuni layer] \node [circle, minimum width=20pt, inner color=lliw\result!50!white, outer color=lliw\result!50!Silver, path fading=disglair] at (n\i) {};
\foreach \i in {51,...,62}
\pic at (n\i) {anrheg={lliwanrheg\result a}{lliwanrheg\result b}};
\pic at (n\i) {anrheg={lliwanrheg\result b}{lliwanrheg\result a}};
\pic at ([yshift=3.85mm,xshift=.25pt]$(n\i)!1/4!(n\nesaf)$) {anrheg={lliwanrheg\casgliad a}{lliwanrheg\casgliad b}};
\pic at ([yshift=3.85mm,xshift=-.25pt]$(n\i)!3/4!(n\nesaf)$) {anrheg={lliwanrheg\casgliad b}{lliwanrheg\casgliad a}};
(n29) ++(0,-1.5mm) coordinate (c0)
(c0) arc (-90:0:5mm and 2.5mm) coordinate (c1)
(c0) arc (-90:-180:5mm and 2.5mm) coordinate (c2)
(c0) +(2.5mm,-4.5mm) coordinate (c3)
(c0) +(-2.5mm,-4.5mm) coordinate (c4)
(c1) +(0,-2mm) coordinate (c5)
(c2) +(0,-2mm) coordinate (c6)
\path [fill=Sienna1] (c2) arc (-180:0:5mm and 2.5mm) -- (c5) -- (c3) arc (0:-180:2.5mm and 1.25mm) -- (c6) -- cycle;
\clip (c2) arc (-180:0:5mm and 2.5mm) -- (c5) -- (c3) arc (0:-180:2.5mm and 1.25mm) coordinate [midway] (c7) -- (c6) -- cycle;
\path [draw=Sienna3] (c6) arc (-180:0:5mm and 2.5mm);
\path [draw=Sienna3] (c2) arc (-180:0:5mm and 2.5mm);
\begin{scope}[on canghennau layer]
\path [fill=Sienna1, draw=Sienna3] (c2) arc (-180:180:5mm and 2.5mm);
\path [fill=Brown!50!black] (n29 |- c2) circle (4mm and 2mm);
\begin{scope}[on background layer]
\node [fill=MidnightBlue, inner sep=15pt, fit=(sglein) (troed) (n21) (n35) (c7) (n51) (n62) (n34)] {};
% \foreach \i in {1,...,62} \node (anrheg \i) [red] at (n\i) {\i};
![coeden nadolig](https://i.sstatic.net/jjVNy.png)
Forgot the cat...
My cat has decided that under the Christmas tree is the place to be now most of the presents have been distributed. I thought my forest
tree needed a cat but there is no room under the tree here, so this cat has decided to keep guard from above...
The cat is just a TiKZ pic
compiled with standalone
as a separate image (see below). Here the cat is simply included as an external image and scaled for the sake of simplicity:
\node (cath) [scale=.15, anchor=south, yshift=4.5mm, xshift=5mm] at (n34.north) {\includegraphics{cath-gorwedd}};
![coeden nadolig gyda chath](https://i.sstatic.net/nkfsy.png)
Appendix: Cat Code
[If anybody spots what is messing up the bounding box, please let me know!]
% adapted (simplified version) from tex/generic/pgf/frontendlayer/tikz/libraries/tikzlibrarybackgrounds.code.tex
on foreground layer/.style={%
execute at begin scope={%
\tikzset{every on foreground layer/.try,#1}%
execute at end scope={\endpgfonlayer}
on pen layer/.style={
execute at begin scope={%
\tikzset{every on pen layer/.try,#1}%
execute at end scope={\endpgfonlayer}
on corff layer/.style={
execute at begin scope={%
\tikzset{every on corff layer/.try,#1}%
execute at end scope={\endpgfonlayer}
stripiau cwt/.style={draw=#1, very thin, shorten >=-5mm, shorten <=-5mm, double=#1, double distance=3.5mm},
stripiau corff/.style={very thin, draw=#1, fill=#1},
trwyn/.style={circle, yshift=1.25mm, minimum width=2.5mm, inner sep=0pt},
llenwi cath/.style={fill=#1},
llygaid/.style n args=2{inner color=#1, outer color=#2, ultra thick, draw},
pics/cath b/.style n args=5{
[ultra thick]
\begin{pgfonlayer}{pen}% ref. workaround from http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/218166/ (Mark Wibrow)
\begin{scope}[very thin]% [on pen layer={very thin}]
\path [clip]
(0,10mm) coordinate (pen1) arc (90:65:19mm and 20mm) coordinate [pos=.75] (pp1) coordinate (pen2)
arc (65:45:19mm and 20mm) coordinate (pen3)
arc (45:-60:19mm and 20mm) coordinate [pos=.05] (pp4) coordinate [pos=.4] (pp5) coordinate [pos=.45] (pp8) coordinate [pos=.75] (pp9) coordinate (pen8)
arc (-60:-90:19mm and 20mm) coordinate (pen10)
arc (-90:-120:19mm and 20mm) coordinate (pen9)
arc (-120:-225:19mm and 20mm) coordinate [pos=.25] (pp10) coordinate [pos=.55] (pp11) coordinate [pos=.6] (pp6) coordinate [pos=.95] (pp7) coordinate (pen4)
arc (-225:-245:19mm and 20mm) coordinate (pen5)
arc (-245:-270:19mm and 20mm) coordinate [pos=.25] (pp2)
\path [stripiau corff=#1]
(pp2) [out=-45, in=95] to ($(pen1) - (0,10mm)$) coordinate (pp3) [out=85, in=-135] to (pp1) |- +(5mm,5mm) -| cycle
(pp4) [out=-135, in=25] to +(-7.5mm,-4mm) [out=-25, in=115] to (pp5) -| +(5mm,5mm) |- cycle
(pp7) [out=-45, in=155] to +(7.5mm,-4mm) [out=-155, in=65] to (pp6) -| +(-5mm,5mm) |- cycle
(pp8) [out=-135, in=-25] to +(-17.5mm,0mm) [out=-45, in=115] to (pp9) -| +(5mm,5mm) |- cycle
(pp11) [out=-45, in=-155] to +(17.5mm,0mm) [out=-135, in=65] to (pp10) -| +(-5mm,5mm) |- cycle
(pen2) ++(4mm,7.5mm) coordinate (pen6)
(pen5) ++(-4mm,7.5mm) coordinate (pen7);
\path [rounded corners=1pt, llenwi cath=#2]
(pen1) arc (90:65:19mm and 20mm)
[out=80, in=-110] to (pen6) [out=-80, in=85] to
(pen3) arc (45:-225:19mm and 20mm)
[out=95, in=-100] to (pen7) [out=-70, in=100] to
(pen5) arc (-245:-270:19mm and 20mm);
\begin{scope}[on foreground layer={ultra thick}]
\draw [rounded corners=1pt, ultra thick]
(pen1) arc (90:65:19mm and 20mm)
[out=80, in=-110] to (pen6) [out=-80, in=85] to
(pen3) arc (45:-225:19mm and 20mm)
[out=95, in=-100] to (pen7) [out=-70, in=100] to
(pen5) arc (-245:-270:19mm and 20mm);
\path [llenwi cath=#2]% corff
(pp8) [out=35, in=100] to coordinate [pos=.075] (corff7) coordinate [pos=.1] (corff8) coordinate [pos=.2] (corff9) coordinate [pos=.225] (corff10) coordinate [pos=.325] (corff11) coordinate [pos=.35] (corff12) coordinate [pos=.45] (corff13) coordinate [pos=.475] (corff14) coordinate [pos=.575] (corff15) coordinate [pos=.6] (corff16) coordinate [pos=.7] (corff17) coordinate [pos=.725] (corff18) coordinate [pos=.825] (corff19) coordinate [pos=.86] (corff20) coordinate [pos=.96] (corff21) ++(75mm,-15mm) coordinate (corff5)
[out=-80, in=-85] to coordinate [pos=.6] (corff6) coordinate [pos=.7] (corff22) coordinate [pos=.775] (corff23) coordinate [pos=.825] (corff24) coordinate [pos=.875] (corff27) coordinate [pos=.9] (corff25) coordinate [pos=.985] (corff26) (pen9);
\begin{scope}[ultra thick]% stripiau'r corff
(pp8) [out=35, in=100] to (corff5)
[out=-80, in=-85] to (pen9) |- cycle;
\path [stripiau corff=#1]
(pp8) [out=-95, in=65] to ++(7.5mm,-15mm) [out=45, in=-175] to (corff7)
(corff8) [out=-85, in=50] to ++(7.5mm,-17.5mm) [out=45, in=-135] to (corff9)
(corff10) [out=-90, in=60] to ++(5mm,-20mm) [out=50, in=-140] to (corff11)
(corff12) [out=-100, in=55] to ++(2.5mm,-20mm) [out=50, in=-145] to (corff13)
(corff14) [out=-110, in=50] to ++(0,-20mm) [out=40, in=-155] to (corff15)
(corff16) [out=-115, in=40] to ++(-3.5mm,-18.5mm) [out=30, in=-170] to (corff17)
(corff18) [out=-135, in=20] to ++(-7.5mm,-16.5mm) [out=10, in=-180] to (corff19)
(corff20) [out=-170, in=-5] to ++(-10mm,-12.5mm) [out=-15, in=140] to (corff21)
(corff26) [out=-45, in=-135] to ++(20mm,-1.5mm) [out=-115, in=45] to (corff25) -- +(-5mm,0) |- cycle
(corff27) [out=40, in=-115] to ++(20mm,7.5mm) [out=-105, in=65] to (corff24) -- +(-5mm,0) |- cycle;
\draw [ultra thick, name path=corff]
(pp8) [out=35, in=100] to ++(75mm,-15mm)
[out=-80, in=-85] to coordinate [pos=.6] (corff6) (pen9);
\draw [ultra thick, llenwi cath=#2]% coesau
(corff22) ++(17.5mm,12.5mm) coordinate (coes1)
(corff23) ++(12.5mm,15mm) coordinate (coes2)
(coes1) [out=-120, in=35] to (corff22) [out=-145, in=5] to ++(-20mm,-7.5mm) [out=-175, in=0] to ++(-5mm,0) arc (-90:90:-5mm and 3mm) coordinate (coes9) [out=0, in=-175] to ++(5mm,0) coordinate (coes11) [out=5, in=-145] to (corff23) [out=35, in=-100] to (coes2);
\begin{pgfonlayer}{background}% ref. workaround from http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/218166/ (Mark Wibrow)
\draw [ultra thick, llenwi cath=#2]% coesau
(corff23) [out=-145, in=5] to (coes11) [out=-175, in=0] to (coes9) arc (-90:90:-4mm and 2.5mm) [out=0, in=-145] to (corff24)
\path [llenwi cath=#2]% llenwi'r cwt
(corff5) [out=-80, in=-15] to ($(corff6) + (0,-2.5mm)$) coordinate (cwt5)
[out=165, in=-90] to ++(-5mm,5mm) coordinate (cwt6)
[out=90, in=170] to ++(7.5mm,5mm) coordinate (cwt7)
[out=-10, in=-95] to ($(corff5) + (-15mm,-2.5mm)$) coordinate (cwt8)
\begin{scope}[ultra thick]% stripiau'r cwt
\clip (corff5) [out=-80, in=-15] to
coordinate [pos=.1] (cwt9)
coordinate [pos=.15] (cwt10a)
coordinate [pos=.25] (cwt11a)
coordinate [pos=.345] (cwt12a)
coordinate [pos=.44] (cwt13a)
coordinate [pos=.53] (cwt14a)
coordinate [pos=.62] (cwt15a)
coordinate [pos=.71] (cwt16a)
coordinate [pos=.805] (cwt17a)
coordinate [pos=.9] (cwt18a)
coordinate [pos=1] (cwt19a)
[out=165, in=-90] to
coordinate [pos=.45] (cwt20a)
[out=90, in=170] to
coordinate [pos=.65] (cwt20b)
[out=-10, in=-95] to
coordinate [pos=.025] (cwt19b)
coordinate [pos=.125] (cwt18b)
coordinate [pos=.225] (cwt17b)
coordinate [pos=.325] (cwt16b)
coordinate [pos=.425] (cwt15b)
coordinate [pos=.525] (cwt14b)
coordinate [pos=.625] (cwt13b)
coordinate [pos=.725] (cwt12b)
coordinate [pos=.825] (cwt11b)
coordinate [pos=.925] (cwt10b)
|- (corff21) -- cycle;
\path [stripiau corff=#1]
(corff5) [out=110, in=10] to ++(-7.5mm,-3.5mm) [out=0, in=120] to (cwt9);
\path [llenwi cath=#1]
(cwt20a) [out=80, in=-80] to (cwt20b) [out=170, in=90] to (cwt6) [out=-90, in=165] to cycle
\foreach \i in {10,...,19}
\draw [stripiau cwt=#1] (cwt\i a) [out=90, in=-60] to (cwt\i b);
\draw [ultra thick, name path=cwt]
(corff5) [out=-80, in=-15] to (cwt5)
[out=165, in=-90] to (cwt6)
[out=90, in=170] to (cwt7)
[out=-10, in=-95] to (cwt8)
\begin{scope}[on foreground layer={ultra thick}]
(pen10) -- ++(0,7.5mm) coordinate (ceg1)
[out=-45, in=180] to +(5mm,-2.5mm) coordinate (ceg2)
[out=0, in=-100] to +(2.5mm,3.5mm) coordinate (ceg3)
[out=-135, in=0] to +(-5mm,-2.5mm) coordinate (ceg4)
[out=180, in=-80] to +(-2.5mm,3.5mm) coordinate (ceg5)
\path (ceg1)
node (trwyn1) [trwyn, anchor=west] {}
node (trwyn2) [trwyn, anchor=east] {};
($(trwyn1)!1/2!(trwyn2)$) coordinate (trwyn) [out=10,in=140] to +(25mm,7.5mm)
(trwyn) [out=-10, in=120] to +(.5mm,-5mm)
(trwyn) [out=-40, in=130] to +(-1.5mm,-5mm)
(trwyn) [out=170,in=40] to +(-25mm,7.5mm)
(trwyn) [out=-170, in=60] to +(-.5mm,-5mm)
(trwyn) [out=-140, in=50] to +(1.5mm,-5mm)
\path (ceg1)
node (trwyn1) [trwyn, draw, ball color=#5, anchor=west] {}
node (trwyn2) [trwyn, draw, ball color=#5, anchor=east] {};
\draw [llygaid={#3}{#4}]
({$(pen1)!2/5!(pen10)$} -| {$(pen8)!3/4!(pen4)$}) coordinate (llygad chwith)
++(-5mm,0) coordinate (llygad chwith 1) [out=20, in=180] to ++(6mm,2.5mm) coordinate (llygad chwith 2) [out=0, in=120] to ++(4mm,-2.5mm)
[out=-120, in=0] to ++(-4mm,-2.5mm) [out=180, in=-20] to ++(-6mm,2.5mm)
\draw [llygaid={#3}{#4}]
({$(pen1)!2/5!(pen10)$} -| {$(pen9)!3/4!(pen3)$}) coordinate (llygad de)
++(5mm,0) coordinate (llygad de 1) [out=160, in=0] to ++(-6mm,2.5mm) coordinate (llygad de 2) [out=180, in=40] to ++(-4mm,-2.5mm)
[out=-40, in=180] to ++(4mm,-2.5mm) [out=0, in=-160] to ++(6mm,2.5mm)
\fill [ball color=black] (llygad chwith 1 -| llygad chwith 2) circle (2.5mm);
\fill [ball color=black] (llygad de 1 -| llygad de 2) circle (2.5mm);
\begin{scope}[on foreground layer={ultra thick}]
\draw [shorten >=1pt]
($(pen2)!7/10!(pen3)$) coordinate (clust1) [out=125, in=-80] to (pen6);
\draw [shorten >=1pt]
($(pen5)!7/10!(pen4)$) coordinate (clust2) [out=55, in=-100] to (pen7);
\begin{scope}% llenwi clust de
\clip (clust1) [out=125, in=-80] to (pen6) [out=-110, in=80] to (pen2) |- cycle;
\path [stripiau corff=#1, rounded corners=1pt]
(clust1) [out=125, in=-80] to (pen6) [out=-110, in=80] to (pen2) arc (65:45:19mm and 20mm)
\begin{scope}% llenwi clust chwith
\clip (clust2) [out=55, in=-100] to (pen7) [out=-70, in=100] to (pen5) |- cycle;
\path [stripiau corff=#1, rounded corners=1pt]
(clust2) [out=55, in=-100] to (pen7) [out=-70, in=100] to (pen5) arc (-245:-225:19mm and 20mm)
% dim yn ddefnyddiol ar hyn o bryd ond gobeithio bynnan nhw ar ôl iddyn nhw fix the bug!
\coordinate (-pen) at (pen1);
\coordinate (-clust chwith) at (pen7);
\coordinate (-clust de) at (pen6);
\colorlet{lliw llygaid3}{Chartreuse1}
\colorlet{lliw llygaid4}{Green4}
\colorlet{lliw trwyn1}{LightPink2}
\pic {cath b={cath6}{cath5}{lliw llygaid3}{lliw llygaid4}{lliw trwyn1}};