I get an error in the following:
u_t+vu_x=0 & x \in \mathbb{R}\\
g(x)=u(x,0)=\textrm{exp}(-10x^2) & x \in \mathbb{R}
I get the error
Blockquote Missing delimiter (. inserted).
<to be read again>
l.12 \end{equation*}
I was expecting to see something like `(' or `\{' or
`\}' here. If you typed, e.g., `{' instead of `\{', you
should probably delete the `{' by typing `1' now, so that
braces don't get unbalanced. Otherwise just proceed.
Acceptable delimiters are characters whose \delcode is
nonnegative, or you can use `\delimiter <delimiter code>'.
What's the problem? I don't see why it complains for the \end{equation*}
here -- note the.
there, in order to delimite the\left...\right
construct. The\left\{
is ok, but since there is no right brace etc, you have to input a dummy delimiter, which is done with\right.
here... and your example missesamssymb
But why not usingcases