I have been looking for a good setup to create bilingual documents for a while, and have recently stumbled onto Markdown.
I am running Linux.
In Remarkable and Atom, I get Devanagari and German output, but the formatting is not to my pleasing.
I am now trying to use Pandoc to get a Pdf output of the Markdown file, but the Devanagari is not showing.
For example in the Markdown document, I type काम kām, but only kām shows up in the Pdf.
This is the Pandoc line I enter in the terminal:
pandoc --latex-engine=xelatex -f markdown h1b.md -t latex -o h1b.pdf
And this is my Yaml header in the Markdown document:
toc: true
fontsize: 12pt
documentclass: article
font: Noto Serif
latex_engine: xelatex
I must be missing something, but am not sure what. I have tried not to change the default Pandoc Latex template, so if there is a solution where i need to add something to the Yaml code, that would be best.
Edit: if someone has a Devanagari supported Pandoc template, that would also be nice. I am currently trying to make one.