The styleguide of our faculty states that notes below figures must be in font-size 10pt.
I've skipped over various posts, but none of them answering the specific 10pt solution - only small or ultra-small is given.
My document looks as follows:
\usepackage[hmargin=2.5cm, vmargin=2cm]{geometry}
\usepackage{amsmath} % for equations over multiple lines
\usepackage[hang,bottom]{footmisc} % Fußzeile bleibt am Boden %
\usepackage{natbib} % havard style citation
\usepackage{longtable} % table over two pages
\usepackage[flushleft]{threeparttable} %note below table
\setstretch{1.25} % don't modify the low-level parameter \linespread directly
\caption{Title:This should be in normal 12pt text size}
\caption*{Note: This comment should be in 10pt text size}
\caption{This should be in normal 12pt text size}
\multicolumn{1}{c}{XXX}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{XXX}&\multicolumn{1}{c}{XXX (in \%)}\tabularnewline
\text{\quad B}&$ 4$&$4.37$\tabularnewline
\text{\quad \quad C}&$ 24$&$0.37$\tabularnewline
\item[]Note: This comment should be in 10pt text size
and so on depend on the document class you are using and on the size specifications you did. A list of font sizes in pt for thearticle
class can be found here:
document class with a main font size of12pt
, you must execute\footnotesize
to obtain10pt