I need to make Arabic text follow some curved path using TikZ. This is the sample code I am using:






\draw[postaction={decorate,decoration={text along path,text align=center,
text={|\fontsize{20pt}{20}\selectfont\arb|إلى حبيبي لوكاس"!},
raise=-1pt}}](58mm, -64mm)to[bend left=35] (152mm, -36mm){};

\textarabic{\arb\fontsize{20pt}{20}\selectfont{إلى حبيبي لوكاس"!}}


enter image description here

When I compile it, there are two problems:

  1. The characters are distorted, like it is not the same font (take a close look at the character ل)
  2. I cannot force RTL to the text itself. It just ignores me.

Here are the sample PDF i am getting and the font I'm trying to use: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qx3yzfaavf8io9j/AACEdkMKQFaPr-oNj8BOQ2iXa?dl=0

Can someone shed some light on these issues I am experiencing?

  • Greta is a commercial font and shouldn’t be made available on Dropbox — especially since the problem can be illustrated with Arabic fonts available to everyone in TeXLive.
    – Thérèse
    Commented Oct 12, 2017 at 16:37

1 Answer 1


The characters are not distorted, but they are just the isolated forms. Arabic can’t easily be typeset on a curved path because the characters won’t be attached properly to each other. It is possible, however, to align words to the path. See the following MWE (also see this question):






  \draw[postaction={decorate,decoration={text along path,text align=center,text format delimiters={|}{|},text={|\textarabic|{لوكاس"!} |\textarabic|{حبيبي} |\textarabic|{إلى}},raise=-1pt}}](58mm, -64mm)to[bend left=35] (152mm, -36mm){};

\textarabic{\arb\fontsize{20pt}{20}\selectfont{إلى حبيبي لوكاس"!}}


This yields (using Amiri instead of Greta):

enter image description here

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