I'm having some issues with listings that include German Umlaute. The following example code generates a completely messed up PDF.


Does anyone have an idea how to fix this?


3 Answers 3


the normal listings package doesn't provide unicode support. I use the following code to work around the Problem



I also tried listingsutf8 and listings2 which ist BETA, but for me the literate solution just works perfekt ;)

edit:sry, marco has the same solution earlier...

  • This always shows the final Umlaut (in your case an ö) in the compiled PDF no matter which one was used in the source file.
    – mat
    Commented Jul 25, 2017 at 15:07
  • I'm not sure what you mean. I can use ÖÄÜßüäö~ with no problems.
    – someonr
    Commented Jul 26, 2017 at 10:02
  • 1
    I found my error. I had an additional extendedchars entry (the value beein true or false did not matter) in the lstset command, which caused the strange error I described.
    – mat
    Commented Jul 26, 2017 at 11:06

I use the following method in my code:


enter image description here

Ulrike Fischer wrote in the German community mrunix:

Weil listings eine Verbatim-Umgebung ist, die Befehle wie \section, \bfseries und eben auch \"a nicht ausführt, sondern einfach ausdruckt.

English try: Because listings is a verbatim environment, commands like \section, \bfseries and also \"a aren't executed, but instead just printed.


An alternative solution to that provided by marco, perhaps a touch less typing, by using the key escapeinside:

             inputencoding={utf8}, extendedchars=false,  

In general utf8 and listings don't play well, especially if you importing files generated from different programs. The backticks, just enable whatever is enclosed between them to be escaped to LaTeX.

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