I am trying to include a bibliography in a Beamer presentation. The ideal behaviour would be to have:
- A complete bibliography in the end, with all the cited items and the IEEEtran like style
- On each frame, the possibility to add a full citation in the footnotes: this should be without a footnote number, but should use the reference number in brackets, allowing anyway to have footnotes with a superscript number and above the references in that slide (like having two blocks in the footnotes, the real footnotes before and the references after).
What I have been able to obtain is the following, which only uses footnote numbers, which is inconsistent and I think is a bit messy for the reader. Moreover, if there is any suggestion on different ways of citing in slides, it is more than welcome.
author = "D.E. Knuth",
title = "Two notes on notation",
journal = "Amer. Math. Monthly",
volume = "99",
year = "1992",
pages = "403--422",
author = "R.L. Graham and D.E. Knuth and O. Patashnik",
title = "Concrete mathematics",
publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
address = "Reading, MA",
year = "1989"
author = "H. Simpson",
title = "Proof of the {R}iemann {H}ypothesis",
note = "preprint (2003), available at
year = "2003"
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number] %% Add total slide number
\setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{\insertbiblabel} %% Remove book symbol from references and add number
\begin{frame}{Some references}
Some references
\begin{frame}[t,allowframebreaks]{References} %% Aligned top
I edited the MWE with the huge help from @moewe.
Now a little additional detail: how complicated would be to move all the footnotes before the footnote citations?
Therefore, all the footnotes and then all the references in that page (using \footfullcite
) (here the footnote 2 to be before [1])?
The modified code is in the following:
author = "D.E. Knuth",
title = "Two notes on notation",
journal = "Amer. Math. Monthly",
volume = "99",
year = "1992",
pages = "403--422",
author = "R.L. Graham and D.E. Knuth and O. Patashnik",
title = "Concrete mathematics",
publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
address = "Reading, MA",
year = "1989"
author = "H. Simpson",
title = "Proof of the {R}iemann {H}ypothesis",
note = "preprint (2003), available at
year = "2003"
\setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}{\insertbiblabel} %% Remove book symbol from references and add number
% See https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/396754/28146
% Redefine the \footfullcite command to use the reference number
\begin{frame}{Some references}
Some references non cited in the footnotes, \cite{Knuth92,Simpson,ConcreteMath} and some cited also in the footnotes\footnote{A footnote}, \footfullcite{Knuth92} and \footfullcite{ConcreteMath}\footnote{A second footnote}
\begin{frame}[t,allowframebreaks]{References} %% Aligned top