I want to have a table for a Newton-Iteration. The first and the last value should be colored. So I tried the following code, and it works. But the colored numbers are not correctly set and table-number-alignment=left, seems to have no effect.

Thanks for help!

enter image description here

\usepackage[upint,sansmath]{libertinust1math}  % Mathe Font
\usepackage[sb,sfdefault]{libertine}  % für Textschrift in rm und sf
\usepackage{etex} % um die Anzahl der Register zu erhöhen (sonst nur 256)
\usepackage{booktabs}  % für bessere Abstände in Tabellen
\usepackage{calc}      % Zum Rechnen
\usepackage{array}     % Für arrays
\usepackage{tabularx}  % Für erweiterte Tabellenoptionen
\usepackage{colortbl}  % Für farbige Tabellen
\usepackage{ragged2e}  % Für besseres links-, rechtsbündig
\usepackage{spreadtab} % Berechnet Werte in einer Tabelle
\sisetup{group-separator={\,},output-decimal-marker = {,}}
table-figures-integer = 1,
table-figures-decimal = 9,
\begin{spreadtab}[\STsavecell{\Ergeb}{e6}]{{tabular}{|S[table-format=1.0]|S|S|S[table-format=2.9,table-figures-integer = 2]|S|}}\hline
@\mccl{n}                  & @\mcc{x_{n}}   & @\mcc{f(x_{n})=x^{4}-3x-3} & @\mcc{f^{\prime}(x_{n})=4x^{3}-3}  &@\mcc{x_{n+1}}  \\\hline
0                                    & {\color{BrickRed}$\num{:={1.7}}$} & \STcopy{v}{b2*b2*b2*b2-3*b2-3} & \STcopy{v}{4*b2*b2*b2-b2} & \STcopy{v}{b2-c2/d2} \\\hline
\STcopy{v}{[0,-1]+1} & \STcopy{v}{e2} &   &  &   \\\hline
                                       &                                            &   & &    \\\hline
                                       &                                            &   &  &   \\\hline
                                       &                                            &   &  & {\color{BrickRed}\num{:={}}}   \\\hline
$ x\approx \num{\Ergeb}$

  • as a workaround for your left alignment problem: S[table-space-text-post={xxxx}] Oct 21, 2017 at 8:55
  • @samcarter this is helpful for the third column, thank you.
    – user139826
    Oct 21, 2017 at 10:30

1 Answer 1


For the coloured cells you can use a \multicolumn with left alignment and include the value via \tablenum:


This is probably best package up in a local macro, which is what I have done in the code below.

Sample output



\sisetup{group-separator={\,},output-decimal-marker = {,}}


table-figures-integer = 1,
table-figures-decimal = 9,


  *2{|S[table-format=2.9, table-figures-integer=2]}
  @{$n$} & @{$x_{n}$}& @{$f(x_{n})=x^{4}-3x-3$} &
  &@{$x_{n+1}$} \\
  & \mBRl{:=1.7}
  & \STcopy{v}{b2*b2*b2*b2-3*b2-3} &
  \STcopy{v}{4*b2*b2*b2-b2} &
  \STcopy{v}{b2-c2/d2} \\
  \STcopy{v}{[0,-1]+1} & \STcopy{v}{e2} & & & \\\hline & & & & \\
  & & & & \\
  & & & & \mBRl{:={}} \\

$ x\approx \num{\Ergeb}$

  {Long header is long}&{Short}\\

I have stripped away inessential parts of your code. Your \mcc macros are overly complicated, headers can just be included in braces in S columns and then they will automatically be centered.

The above also includes demonstration of an ordinary table with S columns that show that the alignment problem is occurs in any column with a very wide header.

Sample output 2

As samcarter says you can "fix" this with a specification such as


Sample output 3

  • Many compliments. +1.
    – Sebastiano
    Oct 21, 2017 at 10:41
  • @AndrewSwann this works nice for this example, many thanks. Im tried this with a negative startvalue and this seems to work too. Thank you!
    – user139826
    Oct 21, 2017 at 11:26
  • @AndrewSwann Thank you for your understandable explanation.
    – user139826
    Oct 21, 2017 at 11:30

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