I have a portrait page with a section heading below which I would like to place a table in landscape (as in this orientation it should take up most of the rest of the page).

I can get the whole page in landscape and do it that way, however, if I do this, the section heading does not appear on the same page.

My current attempt (which sticks the table on a new, landscape, page looks like this:

    \section{Appendix B - Risk Assessment}
    \caption{Table to show risks, hazards and mitigation techniques for this experiment}
    \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{X X c X c c}
    Description of Hazard & Consequences & Risk Before & Mitigations Required & Risk After & ALARP? (Yes/No) \\ [0.5ex]
    Electrocution & Serious injury or death & 0.5 & Ensure hands are dry when plugging in. Do not tamper with any electrical components & 0.1 & Yes \\
    Burns from hot components & Non-serious burns & 0.7 & Wear thermally insulated gloves when operating equipment & 0.2 & Yes \\
    Burns from steam & Very serious burns, potential loss of sight & 0.6 & Wear safety goggles and a lab coat to protect from steam egress & 0.2 & Yes \\
    Loss of apparatus integrity & Injuries from shrapnel, serious burns, potentially fatal & 0.3 & Check equipment for signs of buckling before use. Ensure that it remains within safe operating pressures. Ensure ballistic screen is in place around equipment. & 0.2 & Yes \\\bottomrule


If anyone would have any suggestions on how I could achieve this or, if this is not possible, what the best alternative solution might be.

  • 1
    Welcome to TeX.SX! A minimal working example (MWE), that illustrates your problem with compilable code (starting with \documentclass and ending with \end{document}) would be nice. - Does this question and answers help you?
    – Bobyandbob
    Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 10:18
  • landscape always starts a new page use sidewaystable from the rotating package (or just \rotatebox around the tabular if you don't want to rotate the caption) Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 10:23
  • Apologies, I've just gotten so used to just posting snippets over on SE, I've updated my answer. The QA linked appears to address the inverse problem, moving headers rather than the tables. @DavidCarlisle I'll have a look at that and get back to you, thanks! Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 10:24
  • 1
    @DavidCarlisle changing \begin{table} to \begin{sidewaystable} (and the \end) has caused my table to vanish. Do you know what could be causing this off the top of your head? If not, I'll dig through the docs Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 10:27
  • 1
    @MrT77 - Sorry bud, this was like 4.5 years ago, I have no idea Commented Apr 14, 2022 at 16:24

1 Answer 1


The solution is twofold, thanks to @David Carlilse for the idea to use the rotating package.

Firstly, the tabularx inside the table needs to be placed inside a sideways block.

Secondly, tabularx needs to be told the \textheight instead of the \textwidth so that it knows the total width of the table for its X column calculations. However, this results in the column overlapping with the page number so we subtract 3cm for margin.

The section now reads like this:

\section{Appendix B - Risk Assessment}
\caption{Table to show risks, hazards and mitigation techniques for this experiment}
\begin{tabularx}{\textheight - 3cm}{X X c X c c}
Description of Hazard & Consequences & Risk Before & Mitigations Required & Risk After & ALARP? (Yes/No) \\ [0.5ex]
Electrocution & Serious injury or death & 0.5 & Ensure hands are dry when plugging in. Do not tamper with any electrical components & 0.1 & Yes \\
Burns from hot components & Non-serious burns & 0.7 & Wear thermally insulated gloves when operating equipment & 0.2 & Yes \\
Burns from steam & Very serious burns, potential loss of sight & 0.6 & Wear safety goggles and a lab coat to protect from steam egress & 0.2 & Yes \\
Loss of apparatus integrity & Injuries from shrapnel, serious burns, potentially fatal & 0.3 & Check equipment for signs of buckling before use. Ensure that it remains within safe operating pressures. Ensure ballistic screen is in place around equipment. & 0.2 & Yes \\\bottomrule
  • 3
    if you are using that form you don't need rotating you could just use graphicx and replace begin{sideways}...\end{sidways} by \rotatebox{90}{...} (which is how it's defined) Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 11:33

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