Please consider the following MWE

\frametitle{An example}
\item Testing the hypothesis that $\widehat{\beta}_{i}$ is equal to all values between $1$ and $3$ could be boring. \medskip
\item Augmenting the null hypothesis by $0.2$ points each time implies that we need to repeat our command 11 times.\medskip
\item To shorten the procedure, we can use the command {\tt{forvalues}}.\medskip
\item {\tt{forvalues}} (and also {\tt{foreach}}) lets us to create loops.\medskip
\item Let us write the following in the command window:\medskip
{\tt{forvalues i=1(0.2)3.2\,\ \{}}\\
{\tt{test ertsp=`i'}}\\

After typesetting, I get:

enter image description here

Instead, I should obtain exactly how I wrote in latex, i.e. `i'.

How can I get it? Thanks in advance.

1 Answer 1


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I've added upquote package for the ticks in \verb and [fragile] for the \verb in the frame environment.

\frametitle{An example}
\item Testing the hypothesis that $\widehat{\beta}_{i}$ is equal to all values between $1$ and $3$ could be boring. \medskip
\item Augmenting the null hypothesis by $0.2$ points each time implies that we need to repeat our command 11 times.\medskip
\item To shorten the procedure, we can use the command {\tt{forvalues}}.\medskip
\item {\tt{forvalues}} (and also {\tt{foreach}}) lets us to create loops.\medskip
\item Let us write the following in the command window:\medskip
forvalues i=1(0.2)3.2\,\ \{\\
test ertsp=\verb|`|i\verb|'|\\

enter image description here

Credits to How to properly display backticks in verbatim environment?.

  • @Dario You're welcome, thank you for accepting my answer!
    – CarLaTeX
    Commented Oct 23, 2017 at 15:05

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