The following forest flowchart was made (spanish language):
I want to localize the above flowchart on a small part of beamer's slide:
I know maybe \hspace{}
and \vspace{}
could help, but also something like "resize" is needed. And I don't know how to do it.
Below I copy a MWE with the necessary code:
\setbeamersize{text margin left=2em,text margin right=2em}
\begin{frame}[shrink=25]{Resultados - glioxal}
\centerline{Una vez establecido el estado de protonación se estimó $\Delta G^\circ_{\text{r}}$.}
\caption{Reacción problema}\label{table:reaccion_central}
\multicolumn{1}{c}{Compuesto} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{RM1} \\ \midrule
& $\Delta G^\circ_{\text{COSMO}}$ & $\Delta G^\circ_{\text{SS-COSMO}}$ \\ \cmidrule(lr){2-3}
CC$_{\text{ref}}$ & - & - \\
cis dihidro-dihidroxi & 20.6 & 15.9 \\
trans dihidro-dihidroxi & 20.6 & 15.1 \\
& & \\
H$_{\text{ref}}$ & - & - \\
glioxal-1ºhidratación & -1.5 & -4.0 \\
glioxal-2ºhidratación & -1.4 & -2.9 \\
glioxal-neta & -2.9 & -6.9 \\ \bottomrule
\item {\scriptsize $\text{H}_{\text{ref}}$: 2PG = PEP + H2O y $\text{CC}_{\text{ref}}$:2,3-diMMA = propanoato + pir. Se reemplazó dihidro-dihidroxi- imidazol por dihidro-dihidroxi.}%Resultados con hamiltoniano RM1, aplicando la estrategia isodésmica. Las Referencias son:
for tree={
rounded corners, draw, align=center, top color=white, bottom color=blue!20,
l sep'+=10pt,
[is the forest
[chart I want ]%want this block green if is possible.. :)
[but it is not]
Any help?