Here's my minimal example:
blah \cite{ASD71}
with references file references.bib
@article {ASD71,
AUTHOR = {Atkin, A. O. L. and Swinnerton-Dyer, H. P. F.},
TITLE = {Modular forms on noncongruence subgroups},
BOOKTITLE = {Combinatorics ({P}roc. {S}ympos. {P}ure {M}ath., {V}ol. {XIX},
{U}niv. {C}alifornia, {L}os {A}ngeles, {C}alif., 1968)},
PAGES = {1--25},
PUBLISHER = {Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, R.I.},
YEAR = {1971},
MRCLASS = {10D05},
MRNUMBER = {0337781},
MRREVIEWER = {Morris Newman},
But when I compile it, it doesn't show the booktitle
or publisher
. Is this normal? If I add a journal
entry, then it does show the journal.
s don't have abooktitle
. They have ajournal
instead. You seem to want an@inproceedings
entry, those have abooktitle