I want to present a chemical equation, but all of the reactants do not align. How can I vertically center align E^+? This is my code:
\usepackage{chemfig, chemmacros}
elmove/.style={->,shorten >=3pt, shorten <=3pt}
H% 7
-[:240]% 1
-[:180]% 2
-[:120]H% 8
-[:300,,,,draw=none]\mcfcringle{1.3}% (o)
-[:240]% 3
-[:180]H% 9
-[:300]% 4
-[:240]H% 10
-% 5
-[:300]H% 11
-[:60]% 6
-[:120]% -> 1
-H% 12
H% 7
-[:240]% 1
-[:180]% 2
-[:120]H% 8
-[:300,,,,draw=none]\mcfcringle{1.3}% (o)
-[:240]% 3
-[:180]E% 9
-[:300]% 4
-[:240]H% 10
-% 5
-[:300]H% 11
-[:60]% 6
-[:120]% -> 1
-H% 12
\caption{Allmän reaktionsformel för elektrofil aromatisk substitution}
and ends at\end[document}
, including every package and code that is needed to recreate your issue but not more than that.