\documentclass[titlepage, osajnl,twocolumn, showkeys,10pt]{revtex4-1}  

\title{Some title}


Student number: 
BSc Biochemistry
Abstract Word Count: 184
Word Count: 1476

 Some abstract 



I already tried with \thispagestyle{plain} but no luck so far. Can anyone help me?

  • Welcome to TeX.SX! Yor MWE is missing a \documentclass and so does not compile. With the article class you geta page number of the title page because of the \thispagestyle{plain}, so either you missed it when you checked or your documentclass is the problem.
    – user30471
    Commented Nov 7, 2017 at 8:31

1 Answer 1


Caveat: revtex4-1 is a class for electronic submissions to journals of the American Physical Society. So the settings are for that journals and you should not change them. I.e., the title page uses a special page style for title pages of those journals. You should not change it!

However, if you want to ignore this, you can replace page style titlepage, e.g., by page style plain:

\documentclass[titlepage, osajnl,twocolumn, showkeys,10pt]{revtex4-1}  

\title{Some title}


%\thispagestyle{plain}% not needed
Student number: 
BSc Biochemistry
Abstract Word Count: 184
Word Count: 1476

 Some abstract 



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